California Genetics Transcription Questions

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10:32 Blackboard Week_9 .LTE (13 • • • ☑ Read Only - Save a copy to edit. Save a copy Genetic Problem Set Week 9 1. Below is an mRNA transcript encoding a small gene. Translate this gene into amino acids using the table. Be sure to include the amino and carboxyl ends of the peptide (it is not necessary to draw amino acid or bond structure, three letter codes for amino acids are fine). Use the table on pg 310 in your textbook. 5' GCAUGGCUCAUUGUCGGGGGUGAAUAA 3' A. What would the double-stranded DNA molecule look like that this mRNA message was created from? Be sure to include hydrogen bonding as well as indicate which strand is the template and non-template. 2. Describe how Beadle and Tatum experimentally defined 'one gene, one enzyme'. 3. Using the non-template strand of DNA below answer the following questions 5'AGCATCAGCATAATGGGGAATCCTTAAGTA 3' a. Identify what the template stand of DNA would be b. Identify the mRNA message that would be created from this particular DNA molecule c. Using the mRNA message above, translate into a protein. DU U UUU UUC Phe UUA]. UUG Leu Second letter UCU UCC UCA A G UAU UGU Ser UAC Tyr UGC Cys UAA Stop UGA Stop A STAG UTAG STAG STAG UCG UAG Stop UGG Trp G CUU CCU CUC CCC CAU CAC His CGU Leu Pro CUA CCA CAA CGC CGA Arg Gln CUG CCG CAG CGG AUU ACU AAU AGU AUC lle ACC AAC Asn Ser AGC Thr AUA AUG Met ACG ACA ААА AGA 1 AAG Lys AGG Arg GUU GCU GAU GUC GCC GAC GGU Asp GGC Val Ala GUA GUG GCA Gly GAA GGA GCG GAG Glu GGG Third letter d. Change the DNA sequence to induce a mutation within the protein sequence. A Mobile View Read Aloud Headings
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