Advertisement Analysis Discussion

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In this essay you will analyze the advertisement. To set up the context, describe the contents of the picture as well what the product is that it is advertising. Then analyze the ad. How does the ad reflect specific societal values or world views? How are the rhetorical devices (ethos, logos, pathos, Kairos) used in this picture? Some questions to consider when looking for examples of how the rhetorical appeals are being used, though not all have to be specifically answered, are: why was the ad set up the way that it was? What is the overall meaning that this ad is trying to give? How is it doing it (colors, models, etc.)? Who is the target audience of this advertisement?

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WHAT BAD Advil ELBOW Use as directed. Advil MAKES PAIN A DISTANT MEMORY. Plizer 201665 Progression 2 Essay 2 Essay Prompt: Since we have been discussing visual rhetoric, this essay will analyze an advertisement. Select an advertisement (still frame picture) of your choice (it does not have to be the same one used for the exercises). To set up the context, describe the contents of the picture as well what the product is that it is advertising. Then analyze the ad. How does the ad reflect specific societal values or world views? How are the rhetorical devices (ethos, logos, pathos, Kairos) used in this picture? Some questions to consider when looking for examples of how the rhetorical appeals are being used, though not all have to be specifically answered, are: why was the ad set up the way that it was? What is the overall meaning that this ad is trying to give? How is it doing it (colors, models, etc.)? Who is the target audience of this advertisement? The final draft of the essay should be 4 pages in length, use MLA format, and should have 2 outside sources. For your peer review. Submit a completed rough draft. Outside sources should be included at this point in the assignment. In addition, here are some points I will be looking for when grading your assignments: Things to look for: Intro A. Description of ads in general B. Explanation of which type of ad is to be discussed in the essay C. Thesis which states what can be learned about the ad based on how it is set up and what lens will be used to analyze the ad. 11. Body Paragraphs A Topic Sentences that outline main idea of paragraph. B. Examples that relate to the topic sentence specifically. EG. One paragraph should give a detailed description of what can be seen in the ad. One paragraph should discuss what lens is being used to analyze the ad (branding, gender, disability, etc.) One should talk about the rhetorical appeals being used within the ad. II. Conclusion A. Summarize main points of essay. No new ideas or examples in conclusion. Essay Rubric (Points will be multiplied by 2 and added to 100 for final score) Criteria Exigency/Purpose/Relation to Topic 1-0 pts-Unacceptable Mosing and/or only Moted at br Ratings 2 pts-Poor introduced but not 3p Average 4 pts-Good Demonstrated 5 pts-Excellent Comprehensivelyda/courses/131974/assignments/1445296 YouTube & WiseGuy 17 Trading View Portfolio | Robinhood Super Mario 64 Drive LC Bell A Aries Discord Netflix A. Summarize main points of essay. No new ideas or examples in conclusion. Essay Rubric (Points will be multiplied by 2 and added to 100 for final score) Criteria Exigency/Purpose/Relation 1-0 pts-Unacceptable Ratings to Topic 2 pts-Poor Missing and/or only hinted at briefly leaving the purpose of the assignment ambiguous and unclear to the reader the purpose of the writing Introduced but not covered in clear detail that 3pts- Average 4 pts-Good 5 pts- Excellent Demonstrated Adequately introduced wel Comprehensively and clearly detailed sufficiently explains Thesis Word Choice 1-0 pts- Unacceptable Absent or unacceptable 1-0 pts- Unacceptable Do not satisfy college level 2 pts-Poor Poorly conceived Ineffective, or misguided 3pts-Average Present, but inadequate or - conceived 4 pts-Good Clear and adequately supported 2 pts-Poor Fall short of or do not satisfy college 3pts-Average Barely satisfy or fall short of college level level 5 pts-Excellent Thoughtful clear, and skilfully supported 4 pts-Good Exceed or satisfy college level 5pts- Excellent Exceed college level Sentences 1-0 pts- Unacceptable Clarity is poor with no variety 2 pts-Poor Clarity is below average with little or no variety 3pts-Average Clarity is average with only some or variety 4 pts-Good Clarity is good with commendable variety 5 pts-Excellent Clarity exceptional with excellent variety Paragraphs 1-0 pts- Unacceptable Unacceptably developed unsupported or no focus on individual units of thought; off-topi 2 pts-Poor Poorly developed may or may not be supported ttle or no focus on individual units of thought may or may not be on topl 3pts-Average Adequately developed, may or may not be supported minimal focus on individual units of thought on 4 pts-Good Commendably developed supported with a good focus on individual units of thought on topic 5 pts-Excellent Extremely well developed supported with a strong focus on individual thought on Synthesis 1-0 pts- Unacceptable The ideas introduced within the text are not connected 2 pts Pr ideas introduced within the text are disconnected 3pts-Average introduced within the text 4 pts-Good The arguments of the paper are connected wel and the c 5 pts-Excelent deas are integrated together EPERE and only vagy or indirectly related defined due to proper synthesis of the Clear articulation the connections between ideas explicit and Ctical Thinking A Unacceptable 2- Le c 1pts Good Average depth of 5 pts-Excellent Exceptional Proght with hought withts Synthesis units thought on topi thought off-topic or may not be on topic of thought on topic thought on topic 1-Opt- Unacceptable The ideas introduced within the text are not connected explicitly within the writing 2 pts-Poor Ideas introduced within the text are disconnected and only vaguely or indirectly related 3pts-Average Ideas introduced within the text and their relationships to one another are adequately defined 4 pts-Good The arguments of the paper are connected well and the emergent argument within the text is clear due to proper synthesis of the ideas 5 pts-Excellent Ideas are integrated together extremely well. Clear articulation of the connections between ideas is explicit and obvious Critical Thinking Analysis 1-0 pts- 2 pts-Poor Course Little or no depth of thought with Grammar Formatting and Document Design Unacceptable No depth of thought with no inadequate 3pts-Average Average depth of thought with 4 pts-Good Commendable depth of thought 5 pts-Excellent 11111 explanations present in the discussion of the subject matter 1-0 pts- Unacceptable More than 5-6 errors in usage 1.0pts- Unacceptable More than three errors in heading in- text citations Works Cited page, or visual where applicable explanations present in the discussion of the subject matter 2 pts-Poor No more than 5-6 errors in unge 2 pts. Poor 2-3 min heading in-text citations Works vals where applicable sufficient explanations is present in the discussion of the subject matter 3pts-Average No more than 3-4 errors in usage 3pts-Average 1-2 heading in-text citation, Works Cited page, or visuals where with detailed explanations is present in the discussion of the subject matter 4 pts-Good No more than 1-2 errors in usage 4 pts-Good No more than one error in heading Works Cited page. or visuals where Exceptional depth of though with detailed explanations is present in the discussion of the subject matter 5 pts- Excellent Noori Usage 5 pts-Excellent No errors in heading in-text citations Works Cited page, or visuals where to search Works Cited/Citations 1.0pts- Unacceptable Fewer or no statements and assertions are supported with sufficient evidence examples, or both 2 pts-Por Few statements and assertions are supported and lack examples evidence, or both where needed 3pts-Average A sufficient number of statements and adequately supported but lack examples, evidence, or both where needed 4 pts-Good Statements and assertions are supported with sufficient evidence. examples, or both 5pts-Excellent Statements and thoroughly supported with evidence and examples Previous °
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Advertisement Analysis
Advertisements are done to persuade and influence the public’s decisions
regarding a product. People have different preferences and advertisements are done to
inform them that a company or product has what they want. Through ads, people can
learn about certain services and products that exist are presented through various
channels such as TVs, display media, print, and many others. “The media such as
television, radio, and newspaper (print media) make a huge impact on the population. It
transforms our culture and becomes a tool for discovering new products and even
learning” (Lin et al., pg.2). Many organizations try to make their ads as brief and clear
as possible. The messages passed through the ads should be clear, rational, and morally
relevant to elicit the intended emotions. This paper analyzes an advert by Advil in print
media. The text identifies the specific societal values and worldviews represented by the
advert including the rhetorical devices (ethos, logos, pathos, Kairos) used in the picture.
Advert Description
The advertisement is an Advil print advert made of one picture which as an
elderly lady supporting herself off the ground using her two hands only. The heading of
the advert is large yellow font that reads “what bad elbow?” The advert also presents the
size of the Advil tablet which is located in between the words of the title of the advert.

Surname 2

The advert has few words, is clear, and takes a small space. The advert is an education
informing the elderly population who are dealing with muscle aches and other pain
problems that their problem will be sorted by using Advil. The brand’s equity is
signified using the Advil’s signature yellow font.
Advert Analysis
It is clear that the audience is old people, probably experiencing pain associated
with arthritis and other muscle aches. It is assumed that the lady has pain an...

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