University of Mary Hardin Baylor Literature Discussion

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University of Mary Hardin Baylor


choose from the works below or ask me about any other that you have in mind. Note that by choosing an easier selection, you can score as high as a 90%, but by going above and beyond, you could possibly reach a score of 105%. This will be the only work that you will need to introduce to the class: I chose mini graphic novel

  • Mini graphic novel or 20-30 pane comic strip- 25 pts.

Chose item you can be the most creative with and you may use those as your one other original work. your works may be any shape or size as long as they are readable. This has to be original work no plagiarisms

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Elena’s Nightmare

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Elena’s Nightmare

Outside the lecture hall after class…

(A group of girls gather murmuring in surprise. They never imagined a girl can easily compli
ment a man).

Huuuuh. Did you here

The girls team to persuade Javier to join them at the court. He is frightened and asks to join th
e girls another day. Elena feels ashamed and fumes for being turned down).


At Starbucks…
(Javier went to the campus Starbucks to buy himself a white mocha Frappuccino while admiri
ng himself in silence. He clashed with a female at the Starbucks door, and they collided, and t
he girl fell to the floor while her books fell on Javier's feet).


(Everyone at Starbucks was startled because Javier rarely sought forgiveness from anyone).

(As Elena walked towards the library, Javier's girlfriend Aurora came and blocked her way. A
urora was known to be the most beautiful girl on campus, and to add on that she came from a
rich family, and every girl and boy on campus wanted to be her friend).

So it’s you!! Leave

alone my man and
mind your

(After the confrontation, Elena would feign sickness on other days since she did not want to at
tend to school due of the trauma and turmoil she had endured. Emily and Lily, her friends,...

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