how to walk in Tiffin

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i want you to write 3 to 5 paragraphs

About ( how to walk in Tiffin )

i attached an example see the PDF file and get the idea, but i do not want you to write it as poems , just write it as essay 3 to 5 paragraphs

name of the city : Tiffin

State: Ohio

country: United States

Note i do not need references

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74 T,fRiu lrorv To rvAur tlt By Steve Duenes . Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't rcil(l Ilhutratioil by GeXf Ucfaridge text. smile. be injured- breok stride. I hum whot's in your heodphones. Wolking in New York is noi Mick Jogger. lt is Jomes Brown. The beot depends on the doy ond the hour ond the borough ond the street. ln the Times Squore subwoy stotion ot 9 o.m. on o Mondoy, it is the opening'drum sequence from "Hot for Teocher." Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't touch onyone. bump elbows. hold honds. 3 2 lose focus. leer. a Even os you glide post o luininous stronger, the instont crushes thot stort ond end os subwoy doors close ore fleeting. There is o morpent of stirring promise, ond then there is only whot could hove been. Keep moving. Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't run. broke suddenly. look up ot the buildings. soy good morning. eovesdrop. s Even if you ore overheoring o mon try to exploin the resurrection to o business colleogue from rurol Jopon on Fifth Avenue, don't listen. Much. You might wonder into the poth of the Ml bus. Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't tolk on your phone. toke pictures. chonge lones. moke eye contoct. step in it. The ideo ofstopplng of on intersection is o nonstorter. Jockey for position of the front of the group, slowly edging into the street os cors poss within inches ofyour knees. Never stop moving. Wolk in on extended, single fluid motion, even ot the deli, where your left hond delivers precounted cosh to o clerk os the goods ore swept up byyour right, Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't corry o giont umbrello. rollyour rolling luggoge. iareor those boots from Moine. pretend this is the country. use o wolking stick unlessyou're blind. The city stride con be triumphont, like the brief high of on othletic upset. lfyou win when the consequences of losing ore steep, then your porode through the city con be like the opening credits of "soturdoy Night Fever" - or like Dovid Byrne doncing in thot big suit. You moy ochieve on intense qworeness thot thls moment might be lT. On most doys, you're poying the bills, seorching for lT. lT is there, seemingly within your reoch, bui you con be distrocted becouse New York is the trees ond not the forest. lt's the scrum of the bor: the next'10 minutes; the bus thot's not broking or the lunotic shouting directly in your eor. Whotever lT is, you moy find it in New York. You moy eorn it, you moy bump into it, you moy ochieve it or win it by occident or coincidence, ond when you do, you better revel in your victory becouse lT never losts, ond whotever it is you will surely, ultimotely, lose it. - Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't be on obstocle. be sick. be old. stop. look bock.6 59
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How to Walk in Tiffin



How to Walk in Tiffin
Tiffin is a city in Seneca County in Ohio. It is in the southeast of the Toledo region and is
a home to different manufacturing industries and schools. It is, therefore, a business hub with
individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Walking through the city requires maximum
concentration and discipline to aptly take in the scenery and the diversity of this city. The strides
and walking mode of the individuals within the city should be effective to guarant...

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