Management Question

User Generated


Business Finance

Columbia Southern University



For this assignment, determine an effective process to evaluate the performance of one of your employees. As you have determined that periodic evaluations can be more beneficial than annual evaluations, you will be evaluating the mid-level manager who you hired and who has now been on board for 6 months. Your process should include an appropriate evaluation tool and a means of providing feedback on the employee’s performance issues.

There are three parts to this project. You will begin by developing a performance review form that contains a minimum of 10 points of criteria. The template (see attachment) is a starting point and may be used as is or can be modified as you wish. The template has 10 points of criteria; however, you can add more if the specifics of the position warrant you doing so.

Provide an explanation for each      of the criteria. Remember, these should directly represent the knowledge,      skills, and abilities (KSAs) as well as the requirements for the position.

Develop a rating scale, and      provide a legend that identifies the distinct performance rating      definitions. There must be a minimum of three levels. (The template has      three levels; however, you can add more.)

Next, you will fill out your      newly created form to evaluate the mid-level manager. This is, of course,      based on the input of the immediate supervisor and your own assessment.

Evaluate each criteria, and      include a minimum of three criteria where the employee does not meet      performance expectations. 

  • Summarize the employee      performance appraisal in the comments section.

Identify the employee’s      strengths and weaknesses.

  • Offer feedback and coaching on      ways that the employee can improve his or her performance.

Finally, you will write a      one-page synopsis in which you explain the value of your evaluation      process and new tool to your leadership team. Include the information      below:

  • Include two sources to support      your explanation.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Date of the Review: Employee Name: Position: Years/Months Employed in the Position: Reviewer Name and Title: Criteria Description Rating 1 Rating 2 Rating 3 Detail about employee’s strengths Detail about employee’s areas requiring improvement Suggestions for growth, goals, or professional development? Additional Comments Employee Signature ______________________________ Date ______________ Supervisor Signature ______________________________ Date ______________
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Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

Date of the Review: 11/03/2022
Employee Name: Mr. First Name, Surname
Position: Project Manager
Years/Months Employed in the Position: 3 years
Reviewer Name and Title: Half-Year Performance Evaluation




and delivering

Takes initiative in
meeting and
achieving set goals
and targets


Working well with
others, including
staff, co-workers,
superiors, and other


Shows greater
creativity and skills in

Surpasses –
attaining all the
organization’s goals
Meet – fails to meet
the firm’s goals
Failure to meet –
does not achieve the
company’s goals
more than twice
Surpasses –
regularly advocating
for awareness and
respect of others’
Meet – fosters
awareness and
respect for others in
different cases.
Failure to meet –
seldomly promotes
awareness and
respect for others’
Surpasses –
identifies problems
and efficiently finds
solutions to solve
different solutions.
Meet – identifies
problems and

Surpasses Meet

Failure to

Knowledge and

Shows excellent
professional growth


Shows significant
creativity to boost or
enhance work

Teamwork and

Promotes teamwork
and the development
of team members

proposes solutions
for a high-level
manager to solve.
Failure to meet –
fails to identify or
propose solutions to
problems facing
Surpasses –
illustrates expertise
in knowledge and
skills in different
areas. Leads in best
Meet – illustrates
skills and knowledge
in different areas.
Has soft skills, such
as time
management and
Failure to meet –
lacks soft skills and
subject knowledge.
Surpasses –
proposes at least
two initiatives to
improve work
performance and
apply relevant skills
in different areas.
Meet – proposes at
least one initiative
to enhance work
Failure to meet –
does not have any
initiative to improve
work performance.
Surpasses –
excellent teamwork
and manages the
team well. Promotes


Illustrates efficien...

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