KIN 151 Soccer and Its Marketing Approach Paper

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Business Finance

KIN 151



 write a paper about some topic in soccer as it pertains to Sports and Fitness Marketing 

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Inside the World of Sports and its Marketing Approach


This study investigated several patterns of journals about the sports industry from the prepandemic phase to the pandemic phase up to the post-pandemic phase which challenged the
institutions specializing in sports. The sports marketing strategies have been proven to evolve
and improve throughout the phases of the pandemic and had even brought hope and light to the
seemingly dying industry. When the pandemic struck, the number of people interested in sports,
particularly electronic sports, rose, resulting in significant consumer demand for products
marketed online and on streaming sites that feature a variety of electronic sports. It has also been
inclined to both academic and marketing disciplines, which has increased the popularity of sports
among young people, adults, and the elderly who have experienced traditional sports marketing
in their early years. This study collected several studies that discussed the impacts of the sports
industry on people and how it had changed over the past years.
Keywords: sports, marketing, pandemic, electronic sports

Inside the World of Sports and its Marketing Approach
Sports have been part of any state in the world as part of recreation and also the citizens’
form of entertainment for the past to recent years. Sports have also been found in almost any
educational institution and this has been celebrated through different programs that feature the
greatness of the youth in playing different sports that challenge their strength, camaraderie,
vision, and their wit in gaining leading points to win a match in a sports game.
In several encounters in the lives of anyone, they could always have the chance of
hearing the word, “sports.” Sports have diverse meanings in a way that it encompasses almost
any physical activity that is being held in a particular organization or organized participation
which then allows people that are called “players” to express their fitness and their well-being
through a series of matches in a sport.
In a study released by Barley & Harms (2021), the researchers investigated the age of the
people who had chosen the field of sports as part of their competitive history. It was found in the
statistical data collected from the respondents of the study that the athletes that are mostly seen in
the competitive arena of sports are in their mid-teenage years. However, youth who are engaged
in a sport called “wrestling,” are often competing in their earlier years meaning those are ages
younger than those who joined in their mid-teenage years. It was also indicated in the study that
the role of the body mass index has indeed been a great opportunity for the researchers to
interconnect it to the potential covariates of the possible effects of the competitive history of the
youth who joined the competitive arena in their early years compared to those who joined earlier
or later than those.

It is indeed a good opportunity to see and compare the time and start of training of the
participants in sports mostly those who made sports as part of almost all their life in researching
for the next tactics to be done for the next generations of players all around the globe. This is to
prepare the better training habits and styles which the mentors, trainers, and coaches, can teach
and preach to their students who are already in their interest of joining sports one day because as
more athletes share what they know and what they believe is existing in the sports arena, more
beginners can learn better and can do better to make their experience and their level of mastery
even developed and improved than the previous generational population of athletes who already
competed in various events in the sports industry.
Nowadays, as the world begins to enter a more prominent phase of a technological world,
people are exposed to various modes of technology which in return connects to different aspects
of their lives to the point that it reaches even the sports industry as a whole. Before, you need to
pay and schedule a ticket just to see a match or to wait at the television, sitting, and waiting for
so many advertisements to appear just to cheer for your favorite team. Now, people are in
different scenarios wherein cheering, watching, and even betting for their preferred teams are all
done through a little click in their tiny phones and handheld gadgets, and even with their most
updated versions of computer desktops in which both comfort and upgrade are found.
In an article released by Sakthivel, Rajkumar & Sanjaykumar (2022), it has been stated
that there has been a recorded rise in the interest of many people, especially the youth when the
sports industry has inputted into social media that it begin to a strategical option for those who
run sports to make it their pathway into gaining more interests, views, and even profits from the
people who attend their sports celebrations and events. It has been both an advantage and a hope
to widen the scope of sports in the hearts of people globally.

Indeed, as the world entered the world of the pandemic, it has been both an advantageous
and disadvantageous journey for several industries including sports, which had found an
opportunity to be even closer to the hearts of the people through their various styles of marketing
through online and televisions and even through other social media platforms that had helped
them to bring a stronger foundation to start a different style in encouraging people to love and
support their sports industry in their countries.
Literature Review
Marketing Approach to Electronic Sports
Sports marketing has also been equipped with electronic sports or e-sports when the
technology emerged greatly in this generation. In a journal released by Gandomani & Elahi
(2022), it was found how that sports marketing had presented to different and improved
perspective when electronic sports entered the world of marketing and technology and also in the
sports industry itself.
The internet had been one of the greatest assets of the sports world today given that it
reaches millions of people all around the world in an unlimited number of time and resources.
When the pandemic came, the portion of people interested in sports, particularly
electronic sports, had eventually increased resulting in significant consumer demand for the
products sold online and to the streaming sites which feature several electronic sports. It has also
been inclined to both academic and marketing fields that made sports even more popular among
young people, adults, and those that are aged, who have experienced the traditional marketing of
sports in their early years.

Comparison of Sports Marketing-Related Articles on the Web
There has been recorded data of histories of the previous to the most recent publications
that are all about the sports industry and those are all part of the strategic options of the writers,
publishers, and sports agencies to promote their field and industry to the public which will help
in gaining fans all over the world, as well as a good profit from their support as many events and
celebrations, can happen if more funds can be collected.
In a recent study by Karafil & Akgül (2021), it was their biometric analysis of various
publications on the world wide web that led them to a total of 176 publications which are all
related to sports and are all from the year 1993 up to the year 2020 when the pandemic had
started. It just appears that many articles had already appeared over the internet, particularly
those that are considered scholarly articles and therefore verified by scholars. Most of these
qualitative articles are even said to be published mostly on SSCI (Social Science Citation Index)
and SCI (Science Citation Index) indexes which are all under academic citations. This proves
how academically related are sports and how it continues up to this date and will continue even
up to the next generations.
How did Sports Marketing Work during the Pandemic?
It was indeed marketing that works as the primary event that is being conducted by an
organization to either or both boost sales, and popularity, and gain lots of feedback to improve
their business, services, or the products they sold in the market to their consumers and target
market population. In a sports institution, marketing works the same way, it is primarily planned,
and therefore in any sports event, before it even starts, the sports team has already planned
numerous detailed formats on how the event will start and finish and how they can collect more

people to invest and to also spend their time doing, viewing, or voting on a sports event. In this
event, many portions of planning are being implied to the sport itself from the technicalities to
the foundation of the sport itself, and up to the rules that are being followed whether the
audiences and the players are physically in the sports arena or not which have been highly
challenged during the pandemic where limited hours outside are observed added the closing of
big event halls for several occasions which are normally opened in the pre-pandemic phase.
It was discussed in the sports journal published by Hashem & Suleiman (2022) that sports
has now become one of the greatest assets and sources of income all around the globe and the
creation of marketing strategies and methods are sophisticatedly made to even attract more
people to enter this industry. Several sports organizations are starting their tactical and marketing
ideas through manufacturing items that are being displayed and sold near the sports event
locations and therefore will gather more attraction and visits from the people visiting the arena
increasing the sales and their opportunity to see people interested in sports. Therefore, in this
study, the researchers decided to see the impact of COVID-19 on traditional sports and how it
evolved during this phase.
Truly, COVID-19 not only impacted the world but also the people inside it. This had
caused a severe crisis that people have experienced and one of those is those employees in the
sports industry. It was a huge effect that global sports activities and events that are scheduled in
advance are all canceled and are continuously postponed due to the warnings and risks that
COVID-19 had brought us. Most of the sports involving human interactions were prohibited and
are all stopped for the rest of the years that the pandemic has been existing, therefore, several
establishments made for these sports are closed eventually due to the increasing concerns about
the health of the population all around the globe. Due to these impacts, numerous alternative

approaches were implemented, and therefore many new plans to still light up the sports industry
have been planned by most of the sports agencies and institutions.
To sum it all up, the pandemic had drastically affected the whole world on its view on
sports, which was comparatively different from the pre-pandemic era where various sports
leagues, tournaments, events, and activities have been celebrated all around the globe. There are
various journals have indicated and explained how advantageous and disadvantageous were the
pandemic for the sports industry, particularly the power of sports marketing as people are all like
kept in a shell and are stopped to do and celebrate events like it was before.
This had also become a reason why technology has been one of the best shields for
people from stress, anxiety, and being left out because even though several sports activities were
reduced, sports activities were halted, and most of the sports facilities were closed by the owners,
still, the electronic distribution of the sports through the use of social media platforms and
mainly the internet, the people have the access to so many sports-related contents and had even
leveled up to a more upgraded version of marketing strategy to gather more audience in sports
and to also promote sports to even wider audience through using the modes of technology during
the pandemic and even now that the world is slowly getting back to normal.
It has been evident how people and the sports industry are co...

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