this first assignment will ask you to put into practice what you have learned about searching

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Workin’ It with Word

Due Week 6 and worth 157 points


This first assignment will ask you to put into practice what you have learned about searching the Internet and using Microsoft Word. Since time management is one of the greatest challenges any college student will face, you will research ways to improve your time management and write up your findings using Microsoft Word.

Assignment Requirement:

To successfully complete this assignment, submit one (1) Microsoft Word document that includes the following information and formatting.

Main Steps:

  1. Download the Assignment 1 Sample or PDF version.
  2. Follow the walkthrough instructions here to complete this assignment or download and print the instructions so you can check each item off as you complete it.
  3. Save your document with the following name – CIS105_Assignment1_FirstName_Last Name_Date.docx.
  4. Submit your assignment through the submission button.

Walkthrough Instructions:

Here is a list of everything you need to do to successfully complete Assignment #1. Just check off each item as you go. If you have any questions along the way, contact your professor and they can help you out.

  • Create a new Word document. For tips on how to do this, make sure to review the Getting Started section of your Word Essential Training video (whichever version is appropriate for you to view).
  • Write an overview. At the top of your Word document write an overview of why time management is important to you. (Idea: You may find it helpful to do your research and research documentation prior to writing the overview.)
  • Online search. Many people have tips and tricks for managing their time and it’s important to find new ideas that can help you. Go online and find three (3) articles or videos that talk about managing your time. (Idea: Use different search terms: “how to manage my time,” “time management best practices,” “managing your time as a student,” or “time management tips.” Think of different search algorithms. You can use Google, another search engine, or the Strayer Library.)
  • Create a table. Now, create a table that has four (4) columns and four (4) rows.
  • Fill in the columns of the table. In the left column of the table, type “Website Title”, in the second column, type “Source”, in the third column, type “What I Learned”, and in the fourth far-right column, type “My Reviews”.
  • Now, provide details about each website.
    • Row 1: What was the name of article/video #1? What is the source (what is the website name)? What did you learn from reviewing this site? Did you think it was helpful and why or why not? (answer in your own words.)
    • Row 2: What was the name of article/video #2? What is the source (what is the website name)? What did you learn from reviewing this site? Did you think it was helpful and why or why not? (answer in your own words.)
    • Row 3: What was the name of article/video #3? What is the source (what is the website name)? What did you learn from reviewing this site? Did you think it was helpful and why or why not? (answer in your own words.)
  • Format your document.
  • Add a Header that includes:
    • The course title.
    • Your first and last name.
  • Add a title to the top of the page called “Time Management” or another title of your choice. Bold your title.
  • Add an image or screenshot between the overview and the table. You could add a screenshot of an actual website you used or an image of a clock or checklist to represent time management tips.
  • Below the image add a bulleted list of two (2) things you would like to start doing to better manage your time.
  • Add a footer, which includes the date you completed and submitted the assignment.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using this rubric.

Recommended TestOut Skills Labs to review prior to completing this assignment:

  • 2.2.4 Skills Lab: Create Documents
  • 2.11.4 Skills Lab: Manage References
  • 2.7.5 Skills Lab: Edit Documents
  • 2.8.4 Skills Lab: Insert Illustrations

Recommended video to review prior to completing this assignment:

Different options are listed based on the version of Microsoft Word you are using (2016 vs. 2013, PC vs. Mac). Note: The Strayer student laptops come with Microsoft Word 2016 PC version. Note: Review at a minimum the Introduction and Getting Started chapters of the video.

Note: This assignment will be run automatically through SafeAssign plagiarism detection software and an originality report will be sent to your instructor. Please make sure that you are writing in your own words and not copying any information from outside sources. Please review Strayer University’s Academic Integrity Policybefore beginning this assignment.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Time Management




Time is one of the cheapest and most precious resources available to people to improve
the quality of their lives and achieve success in all their endeavors. While clock time is fixed and
uncontrollable, real-time is the only thing that is defined by people according to the activities that
they are engaged in and the expected outcome. If this is true, then how can we ensure that the
time spent on a task is proper for the activities that contribute to our success? Also, what are the
ways that we can use to assess the quality of time used for performing this, as well as tools for
prioritization and allocation of time? The response to these questions is simple: create a realistic
and achievable task plan and assign time to important activities to ensure their completion
through thoughts, actions, and conversations. It is the knowledge and understanding that
successful time managers have used for several years and achieve the same all the time.

Image retrieved from

November 19, 2017



Things that I will do for better time management

Always create a realistic and achievable daily task plan and allocate time to them

Improve the level of organization of my workspace to reduce the time spent for searching
for documents and items required for completing a task or assignment.

Never misuse time

Website Title
Why is time
management so


What I Learned
In this article, I learned
that time management is
a skill that people can
develop as a means to
improve the quality of
their work and lives.
Rather be a source of
stress and discomfort to
healthy living, time
management can be a

Really useful study material!


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