Purpose of Assignment
This assignment provides students with practice in understanding how to develop a hypothesis and interpret its findings. Students will learn to implement the use of these statistical measures for better business decision-making.
Assignment Steps
Resources: Week 4 Videos; Week 4 Readings; Statistics Lab
Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products.
Use the same business problem/opportunity and research variable you wrote about in Week 3.
Note: Do not actually collect any data; think hypothetically.
Develop a 1,050-word report in which you:
- Identify which types of descriptive statistics might be best for summarizing the data, if you were to collect a sample.
- Analyze which types of inferential statistics might be best for analyzing the data, if you were to collect a sample.
- Analyze the role probability or trend analysis might play in helping address the business problem.
- Analyze the role linear regression for trend analysis might play in helping address the business problem.
- Analyze the role a time series might play in helping address the business problem.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
I have enclosed the Initial Paper to assist in this second Part. Please see attached.
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Explanation & Answer

Business Decision Making Project Part 1
Business Decision Making Project Part 1
Patrick Bailey
Dr. Jerry Webb
01 NOV 2017
Business Decision Making Project Part 1
Identify the Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Description of Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is the Leading Mortgage Lending
Company that helps you find the right loan for your home buying needs.
Describe a problem at the company: Several problems exist in the Wells Fargo Home
Mortgage Division that need to be addressed. One of the main complaints received by
consumers is that they have consistent issues with keeping contact with the correct person as
they move through the process of buying a home. Many times; this is due to internal required
conference calls as well as scheduled required training.
Administration translates these issues into time that the consumers are regularly calling
for updates or looking to get information on the home buying process and what loan products are
available to them. There are a variety of reasons that this is set up this way, however I don’t
believe this is the best profitable way to handle the situation because of the following:
Customers are developing a negative mindset about Wells Fargo
Realtors are growing concerned with...