Administrative Discretion Paper

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Business Finance

Intro to Public Administration


Administrative Discretion

In 2-3 pages answer the following: Do you think that public administrators should be restricted to only laid down rules in the discharge of their duties as espoused by Max Weber or should they have some amount of discretion. Provide the likely benefits and disadvantages of each scenario and use examples to support your argument. (Weber is not specifically address in the readings for this unit; you will have to go back to earlier references to complete this assignment).


Stillman II, R J (2010). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases, 9th edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781337051842 or 9780618993017

Read Chapters 7 and 8 in your textbook

Read Case Study 7 in your textbook and the Weber Case Study

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Administrative Discretion In 2-3 pages answer the following: Do you think that public administrators should be restricted to only laid down rules in the discharge of their duties as espoused by Max Weber or should they have some amount of discretion. Provide the likely benefits and disadvantages of each scenario and use examples to support your argument. (Weber is not specifically address in the readings for this unit; you will have to go back to earlier references to complete this assignment). Reading Stillman II, R J (2010). Public Administration: Concepts and Cases, 9th edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781337051842 or 9780618993017 Read Chapters 7 and 8 in your textbook Read Case Study 7 in your textbook and the Weber Case Study Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40 Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20 Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30 Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling 10 Total 100
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Administrative Discretion
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Administrative Discretion
Public administrators have at all times been those federal officials who follow the strictly
laid down regulations that determine their judgment when carrying out their activities. However,
these officials usually have administrative discretion to make their decisions wherever they do
their jobs, but some of them go ahead and abuse this power against the citizens (Kettl, 2015).
Both advantages and disadvantages can be attached to administrative discretion in the field of
public administration.
Therefore, administrative discretion refers to the flexibility of exercising of decision

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