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Explanation & Answer

Mobile Security and Privacy
Improvement in technology creates the need to enhance mobile
The protection of the needs of the users is important in encouraging
their mobile usage.
Publicity of the information on protection is important in guiding
the users on enhancing their security.
The breach of the information affects the mobile usage leading to
the need to focus on the correct security measures.
Problem Statement
The convenience of the use of mobile phones creates a
security risk to the users.
The need for the privacy of the users is enabled by the
capabilities of the users.
Privacy invasion involves hacking of the messages and the
logging of the telephone calls.
It poses a risk necessitating for the analysis of the trends in the
Research Findings
The improvement in technology leads to the need to create
awareness among the users.
Consumers are aware of the need to secure the mobile phones and
the focus on the environment of operation.
Policies are important in enhancing privacy and the encouraging the
decision making process.
The education of the consumers encourages the management of the
risks in the market.
The management of the risks of the application is important in
guiding the protection of the users.
Safety in the downloading of the applications is enhanced by
managing the sensitive information.
There is analysis of the role of the stakeholders in guiding the
operation system capabilities and value addition.
Transparency of the application is important in helping to protect
the consumers.
What Went Well
The design of the instrument was enhanced by the
effectiveness it provides in the collection of the information.
The participants were cooperative in answering of the
questions and this helped in the analysis of the security needs.
The analysis of the results and the decentralization of the
different aspects helps in realizing the need for the privacy
Literature review provided insights on the trend of the security
Further research is required to enable the need to keep up with the
technological improvements.
The intervention in mobile security and privacy creates the need to
focus on the constant improvement of technology.
The risks presented in the exploration research guide the need to
improve the networks in the process of analysis.
There is need to improve the interpretation of the information and
the guidance on the usage of the mobile phones.
Project management requires that there is outlining of the goals and
objectives and focus on the efficiency created in managing the project.
The following of the specific procedures in research creates the need to
manage the implementation process and the analysis of the results.
There is focus on the needs of the participants and the efficiency of the
As person, there is the management of the expectations in the process of
identifying the mobile security measures.
Mobile security and privacy helps in prevention of frequent attacks on
the gadgets.
The constant improvement in technology leads to the need to create
new strategies in managing the tactics of the cyber criminals.
The expertise that enhances the mobile security helps in the creation
of awareness on the needs of the users.
The protection measures should ensure that there is connection on the
various changing issues.
Chien-Lung, H., Atsuo, I., Sk. Md. Mizanur, R., Fatos, X., & Laurence T., Y. (2015).
Security, Privacy, and Applications in Mobile Healthcare. International Journal Of
Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol 2015 (2015), doi:10.1155/2015/675129
Erturk, E. (2015). Two Trends in Mobile Security: Financial Motives and Transitioning from
Static to Dynamic Analysis.
Yu.S., C., & T.I., K. (2016). (In-)Privacy In Mobile Apps. Customer Opportunities. NaučnoTehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki I Optiki, Vol 16, Iss 1, Pp 9095 (2016), (1), 90. doi:10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-1-90-95
Mobile Security and Privacy
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Problem Statement .......................................................................................................................... 4
Research Questions ......................................................................................................................... 4
Rationale ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Definitions....................................................................................................................................... 6
Hypothesis....................................................................................................................................... 7
Literature Review............................................................................................................................ 7
Technological Changes and its Effects on Mobile Security and Privacy ....................................... 7
Research Methodology ................................................................................................................. 11
Research Design............................................................................................................................ 12
Research Approach ....................................................................................................................... 12
Sample Population ........................................................................................................................ 13
Instrument ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Data Processing and Analysis ....................................................................................................... 15
Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Results ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 16
Mobile Security and Privacy
The improvement in technology has helped increase the need to come up with the best
security measures that help in the protection of the data in the mobile phones. The protection of
the mobile applications is critical in contributing to protecting the users and the enhancement of
confidence in the use of the phones. It is important that there is focus on the publicity given to
the use of the mobile phones as it assists in the investigation of the areas that the users of the
mobile phones need to be protected. It is important that there is the inclusion of the various
things that assist in the handling of information and that help the users to understand the different
ways in which information ...