Pizza Case Study

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Business Finance

MH681 HHuman Resource ealthcare

Ashworth College


Angelo’s Pizza explores the importance of establishing human resource (HR) practices as its organization expands. After success with one store, Angelo decides to open two new stores and is considering opening more stores or franchising. At the same time, he wants to focus on serving only high-quality fresh ingredients. However, the pizza joint experiences some HR challenges including high turnover and other staffing problems. Many of the workers he has hired are friends of the family. Some are going to college. Others are single parents. None of the workers he has hired has any restaurant or cooking experience. They call in sick frequently. Joe, his most valuable employee, threw his hands up in frustration and walked out. “You got to train these bozos!” were Joe’s last words to Angelo as he threw his apron in the trash. Angelo consults you for help with recruiting, selection, and hiring. Angelo believes he needs better recruitment and selection practices, but he has a hard time saying no to family. To assist Angelo, please help him with the following questions. Questions: 1. What are three specific HR management implications of Angelo’s current strategy (including specific policies and practices)? 2. Identify and briefly discuss five specific human resource management errors that Angelo is currently making. 3. Develop a structured interview form that Angelo can use for hiring (1) store managers, (2) wait staff, and (3) counter people/pizza makers. 4. Based on what you know about Angelo’s, and what you know from having visited pizza restaurants, write a one-page outline showing specifically how you think Angelo’s should go about selecting employees.

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Running head: PIZZA CASE STUDY


Pizza Case Study



Human Resource Management (HRM) Implications
Three specific HRM implications of the strategy are the need for job analysis, and business
and competitive strategy (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Job analysis, which entails identifying
the observable tasks, responsibilities, and outcomes of a particular job or group of the same, is
Angelo's most significant issue. Thus, the complaints emanating from the employees highlight the
manager's mistakes in recruiting, selecting, and hiring. The consequences include low employee
morale and productivity. Thus, job analysis is vital to operating a successful business. Further,
Angelo's needs a business strategy, which involves a strategic plan for expanding the number of
stores and maintaining high-quality fresh ingredients, and franchising eventually. The program
should also allow the HRM to make quick business decisions. On the other hand, a competitive
strategy helps a company to gain a competitive advantage. For instance, Angelo may offer
compensation and benefits. The logic is that, if working for a firm experiencing a high turnover
rate, the existing, skilled employees would have to work harder to maintain business operations.
Thus, the management should compensate the staff with say a pay raise or vacation time.
HRM Errors
Angelo's mistakes include negligent recruiting, error of selection, adherence to poor HR
policies, disregard for training, and a violation of ethics and employee rights. Angelo...

Very useful material for studying!


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