Impact of Online Crowdsourcing on Marketing Strategy Paper

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Business Finance


Evaluate an online crowdsourcing site. Examples include, Dell's Ideastorm, and Starbucks.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you review a crowdsourcing site.

Marketing has evolved in its relationship to customers. Marketing to consumers has shifted to marketing for consumers. Marketing for consumers has the power to choose whether they want to create a dialogue.

  • How has the organization leading the crowdsourcing utilized consumers to help build its organization?
  • How does this option of crowdsourcing influence marketing strategy?
  • What is the impact of mobile and social media campaigns on marketing strategy for this organization?

Cite specific examples of these different marketing campaigns in use.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Note: Use header, headlines for introduction, all the questions asked above, conclusion, references minimum of 2 peer reviewed references, use in-text citations according to the references you choose with the APA format guidelines. Use graphs, charts, images also and mention where did you get these sources from.

Please see attached file to make sure all the requirements are going to be followed.

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Individual Assignment: Impact of Online Crowdsourcing on Marketing Strategy Purpose of Assignment The assignment due in Week 5 directs students to analyze a real-time, real world crowdsourcing site. Marketing has evolved in its relationship to customers. Marketing to consumers has shifted to marketing for consumers. Marketing for consumers allows consumers to have the power to choose whether they want to create a dialogue. With the rise of digital technology, and with it the ability to get immediate feedback from customers and communities, crowdsourcing has become a powerful alternative for organizations looking to make important product/service development decisions. Students have the ability to review how an organization approaches this process and determine the efficacy of its crowdsourcing platform. Grading Guide Content Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 7 #/7 Partially Met Not Met Comments: The student analyzes how the organization leading the crowdsourcing utilizes consumers to help build its organization. The student discusses how this option of crowdsourcing influences marketing strategy. The student reviews the impact of mobile and social media campaigns on marketing strategy for this organization. The student cites specific examples of these different marketing campaigns in use. The paper is 750 to 1,050 words in length. Writing Guidelines The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Met Comments: Impact of Online Crowdsourcing on Marketing Strategy Grading Guide MKT/435 Version 7 Writing Guidelines Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 3 #/3 10 #/10 Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. Assignment Total Additional comments: # Comments: 2
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Running Head: MARKETING




Crowdsourcing marketing
Starbucks Company is a large corporation that has many branches around the globe. The
growing firm has been successful since it was first launched. When the founder came up with the
idea to start the business, the online marketing was not in the picture. The internet connectivity
came just the other day, and the company has taken the opportunity to utilize it efficiently. The
Starbucks Corporation has embarked on crowdsourcing to gather ideas from the consumers
(Devece et al., (2017). The various views that firms have received from the customers have
primarily enhanced its success. Mr. Schultz launched the Starbucks idea in 2008, with the
intention to build a relationship between the corporate and the customers online. The idea was to
ask the customers what they wanted at Starbucks and reaching their satisfaction. The company
has made it more straightforward and transparent to the buyers, once they have accessed the
website the customers are given three options to select and offer their idea which is then
recommended by the decision makers.
The invention of my Starbucks idea has been a tremendous success. The corporation has
gained concepts such as free WIFI, Cake Pops, and many o...

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