elctronic bonds and valency

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Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help 80% Thu 12:37 AM 0 = ООО 6 acebb.evansville.edu Men Sleep... Baby boy 4... Arabian Oud Onepage C... عبد الصمد القرشي Abdul Sama... Shirt Shop Live Discus... Lingerie Di... Worksheets... https://aceb... + lon 1. (4) For each of the following, write down the name of the family to which they belong and the number of valence electrons calcium lithium chlorine argon 2. (4) Give the electron configuration for each of the following atoms or ions. AL am Mg2+ Ca2+ stic 9.36 3. (6) For each of the following pairs of atoms, give the formula of the ionic compound formed and name each compound. Mg and CI Ca and O Li and N stic ar.gz 24075 JUN 22 ... A PW
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Calcium, Alkaline earth metals. Has 2 valence electronsLithium, Alkal...

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