​ Comparing Capital Expenditures

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ashford university


Comparing Capital Expenditures

Select a company and access the last three years’ annual reports. Next, select a company that is a direct competitor and download the previous three years’ annual reports.

Research Tip: The “Mergent” database in the Ashford Library contains company profiles and financial information for publicly traded companies and their competitors. To access this database enter the Ashford Library and select “Find Articles and More” in the top menu panel. Next, select “Databases A-Z” and go to section “M” for “Mergent”. For help with using Mergent use Mergent Online Quick TipsView in a new window.

Tip: For help with reading an annual report access this handy guide from Money Chimp (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (http://www.moneychimp.com/articles/financials/fundamentals.htm)

Using the annual reports of both companies, complete the following in a three- to five-page paper, excluding title and reference page(s):

For each company, report the amount of capital spending for the past three years. Quantitatively determine whether the amount of capital spending has been consistent or if it has fluctuated. Be sure to provide the calculations used to determine your answer. Describe the capital expenditures of each firm and the factors that impacted the companies’ debt capacities and capital structures.

Next, compare the level of capital spending across the two firms. Point out how the spending was similar and/or different and speculate why the similarities or differences might exist. You must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the text. Support your comparison with evidence from the text, external sources, and articles/reports from the Mergent database in the Ashford University Library.

Format the paper according to the APA 6th edition style guide as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Be sure to properly cite your resources using APA style.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello,the attachment below is the answer together with similarity index,Thank you






Capital Expenditures (Comparison)
In each industry there is everlastingly requiring for capital expenditures. Essentially the,
Capital Expenditures can be amazingly useful and can likewise recognize the numbers from
adversary ventures. As indicated by examinations "capital costs are wide and predominantly
hold an organization's impressive measure of money. Organizations spend in prime
possessions, plant, hardware, structures and different diagrams of settled resources, and
furthermore, which additionally go about as insurances for the business. I appeared up the
Capital Expenditures of two organizations that are perceived in numerous electronic items:
Panasonic Corporation and Samsung. The yearly report of ordinarily ventures in the course of
recent years will be watched. This record will study and think about...

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