Ageism (job seekers)

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attached is the discussion instructions and the reading material (chapter 4a and 4b). Please respond substantively to the questions/instructions.

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The purpose of this discussion is to give you the opportunity to apply ethical theories to the complex issue of ageism in the workplace, particularly in the area of employment. In the modern workplace, there appear to be the following three key issues that exhibit ageism in employment, some of which have been exacerbated by recent economic issues and an aging population: • • • Older job seekers fight ageism as a barrier to re-employment Younger job seekers have trouble obtaining career entry Evidence in many countries highlights that older worker employment and youth employment are not connected in any way This last point is generally known in economics as the lump of labor fallacy, which challenges the view that if older workers are employed in a tight labor market, then they must be occupying the jobs of the country’s youth. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt: Using at least one ethical perspective or theory from the text and one item of scholarly evidence, present an argument to a group of younger workers (regarding older worker and youth employment) in which you refute the notion that older workers take employment from the young. Must be a minimum of 250 words in length. Utilize the chapter reading as well as one outside scholarly source to support your claim. (Two total sources)
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Ageism in workplaces
Age discrimination has increasingly made it difficult for youth and the elderly to get employed.
Typically, the youth are discriminated on the basis of lacking sufficient qualification and job
experience while the elderly are discriminated on grounds that they may not be able to perform
optimally due to old age, which is often associated with physical incapability. Consequently,
older workers find it hard to get a new job after a layoff, partly due to the...

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