Ergonomic solutions to control hazards

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RUNNING HEAD: ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS TO CONTROL HAZARDS 1 Ergonomic solutions to control hazards Ergonomic solutions to control hazards are systems designed to provide comfort and efficiency in any working environment. When such design systems are implemented, they address various injury risks that are faced by workers. Making changes to the system provides several advantages such as it eliminates the need for movement, it reduces the amount of physical effort required by employees and it reduces the number of injury cases reported. Reducing the number of injuries translates to a low compensation cost and a reduction in employee turnover. There are three types of controls that facilitate the implementation of ergonomic solutions to control hazards. They include engineering controls, work practice, and administrative controls as well as personal protective equipment. Engineering controls involve changing the workplace physically and eliminating the hazards experienced on the job. Such controls will involve redesigning of machines, repositioning of the workstations and installation of more modern machinery. Examples of engineering controls include the use of forklifts to lift heavy objects, installation of conveyor belts to direct materials to the necessary sections and redesigning of tools. Administrative and work practice controls involve the establishment of procedures and processes for carrying out various activities. The procedures should be clearly outlined and strictly adhered to. Example of administrative controls includes creating a work plan where workers are rotated regularly to avoid exposing a single worker to awkward postures and repetitive motions. Such measures allow the employees to use different muscle groups each time. Provide employees with ERGONOMIC SOLUTIONS TO CONTROL HAZARDS periodic breaks in between the schedules. Ensuring that the pneumatic and power tools are well maintained and properly used. Personal protective equipment involves the use of safety gear and protective wear to reduce the exposure to ergonomic hazards. Examples of such measures include; use of padded wear to avoid direct contact with vibrating or rough surfaces. The workers should also wear fitting thermal gloves which allow them to have grip when working in extremely cold conditions. Implementation of these ergonomic solutions will give many success stories in the workplaces for employees. 2 IEGR360 Project paper content and format Paper format is APA. Include Tables, Data graph, and Pictures. Introduction: • • • • • Introduce the class Introduce the topic Explain the relation between the class and the topic What is the problem? What will happened if it is not solved? Why does this problem exist? What is your solution? What are the advantages of it? The objectives, Explain your attempt in this paper to solve it (Two sentences) Methodology: • • • • • How are you going to do your topic? Your participant in the project (Who or what are you investigating) Devices, equipment, and tools you used to collect data (Ex. Anthropometric kit, and measurement tape) Analyze your data, then compare it to the data you have in the book or internet. Also mention what are the statistical tools used to compare the data and measurement Ex. Percentile, Excel Step by step explanation on how the data were collected using the tools or the devices and participant and the station. Discussion and result: • Result and discussion. o Descriptive statistics: in table form or data graph, it is also should be explained in at least one line. o Inferential statistics: Your conclusion analysis of your data. What to do regarding your data. Conclusion and recommendation: • • It should be related to your objectives, did you meet your objective? What happened? After collecting the data and comparing it and after the result, do you still have the problem mentioned in your objectives? If yes propose the following: o Immediate solution, short term solution, long term solution. o Mention approximate cost of those solution and compare them to cost if an injury happened if there is no attempt to solve the problem References: • • The Book Any outside information/data used in the paper
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In this new age, the economy is driven by manufacturing, service industries and agriculture. It is
unavoidable to have constant potential hazards for employees in these sectors and since the human
factors are the most important asset in an organization, there is a need to establish new approaches
to reduce hazards. Ergonomics is the science that focuses on ensuring work environment
adaptation to human being talents, skills, abilities and limits. For an organization to remain
competitive and to truly support economic growth, there is a need to continuously improve and
ergonomic intervention is needed to achieve that goal. This paper aims to understand how
ergonomic solutions can provide control of different hazards, understand the types of controls and
understand its importance in ensuring the best conditions in the workplace to satisfy the human
resources professional that make up the organization.
The modern economy is driven by manufacturing, service industries and agriculture. These
industries drive the economic growth of a country and according to Usman (2015), national
economic growth and development cannot continue with a weak Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) regulation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), occupational health
includes the actions for occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, occupational psychology,
safety, physiotherapy, ergonomics, rehabilitation, etc. In a paper of Kassu et al. (2012), it has
already been established in many studies that an effective management of OSH is a key factor in
the success of a business. The importance of a less hazardous workplace cannot be
overemphasized. In a study of Irimie et al. (2015, due to the excessive hazards in the workplace,



workers have their own perception of the hazards that they experience in the workplace. This is
summarized in figure 1.

Figure 1. Occupational risks perceived by workers

As can be seen, the top risk or hazard that they perceive to be substantial are accidents (56%) and
health problems. In figure 2, the number of risks perceived by different types of profession is

Figure 2. Number of risks perceived per profession
As shown in this graph, even a job that is considered ‘safe’ by many still shows a certain risk.
This plot just shows that across different types of profession, there is a risk or hazard that is felt
by employees and there is a need for a systemic approach to control these hazards.



Ergonomic solutions
Ergonomic solutions to control hazards are systems designed to provide comfort and
efficiency in any working environment. When such design systems are implemented, they address
various injury risks that are faced by workers. Making changes to the system provides several
advantages such as it eliminates the need for movement, it reduces the amount of physical effort
required by employees and it reduces the number of injury cases reported. Reducing the number

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