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# 19 Behavior of Resonance and RLC Circuits
Lab partners
II. Introduction
RLC circuit can incorporate similar knowledge as that of RC in studying its response to
sinusoidal voltage. Majority of RLC circuits’ applications apply resonance frequencies as shown
in the figure.
The figure above has a source of sinusoidal voltage which brought the difference between part I
lab and this part II lab. The potential of sinusoidal voltage is given as:
VS=V0 Cos ωt where ω could be varied. From the above diagram, a difference occurs in that the
right side no longer appears to be zero in response to none applied voltage but V0 Cos ωt given
𝑑2 𝑄
L 𝑑𝑡 2 +R
𝑑𝑄 1
+ Q= V0 Cos ωt
𝑑𝑡 𝐶
The solution to the function above is a result of change in time of charge Q of the get
the solution for the function, it assumed that the results is sinusoidal with similar frequency to
that of the driving voltage but has a phase difference given as:
Q=Q0 Cos (ωt+ϕ)
Appropriate derivatives from the equation of sinusoidal voltage and the above expression are
used to determine Q0 and ϕ to make a solution. Cos (ωt+ϕ) and Sin (ωt+ϕ) functions are
expanded using sum formulas so that coefficients vanish when Sin ωt and Cos ωt are collected.
Solving the above functions yields these two equations:
Tanϕ=𝜔𝐿−1/𝜔𝐶 Eq. 19.4&
Q0= -
𝑉0 𝑆𝑖𝑛 ϕ
Eq. 19.5
The equation for Tanϕ indicates that its values are negative and very small at very low
frequencies such that ϕ is a negative and small angle while Sin ϕ≈0. Accor...