please write a lab report about this topic, all information you need is in the file also put the data in the report.
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The attached word document contains a lab report about the speed of sound in air.
Running Head: The Speed of Sound in Air
The Speed of Sound in Air
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The Speed of Sound in Air
The Speed of Sound in Air
The aim of this experiment is determined the speed of sound in air. This is achieved through
using an air column that is resonating at ordinary room temperature with some two tuning forks
bearing different pitches and frequencies so as to find the lengths of resonant. In this experiment,
we managed to achieve three resonant lengths for every tuning fork. Moreover, we were able to
find wavelengths for all resonant lengths from the two tuning forks. These wavelengths enabled
us to be able to obtain the speed of sound. (Anson, 1999)
Isaac Newton was one the first scientist to find out the speed of sound in air. Research have
indicated that Isaac Newton used a...