​Please respond to the following: "Marketing Segment and Perceptual Map"

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Business Finance

HSA 505


Please respond to the following: "Marketing Segment and Perceptual Map"

  • Evaluate the value and utility afforded by Philip Kotler’s Segment-by-Segment Invasion Plan as a tool for mapping current and future market segment pursuits. Provide support for your rationale.
  • Assess the importance of a Perceptual Map for current and potential product offerings in the marketplace. Suggest one (1) way in which this instrument can be used by marketers to affect better product positioning outcomes within the health care industry.

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Explanation & Answer



Health Care Marketing
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Health Care Marketing

Evaluate the value and utility afforded by Philip Kotler’s Segment-by-Segment Invasion
Plan as a tool for mapping current and future market segment pursuits. Provide support
for your rationale.
According to Fortenberry Jr. (2010), market segmentation is the act of separating the total
market of a given service into separate parts and using each segment to market that given
service. Through the subdivision of the market, a health organization can be in a position to
market each unique segment in the market in a unique way and being in a position to target
different consumers based on their needs, financial power, social and cultural backgrounds,
choices and preferences among other unique features. Through the Philip Kotler’s Segment-byInvasion Plan, healthcare managers should be able to identify market segments they would wish
to pursue immediately as well as the market segment they would like to pursue i...

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