cyber conference

User Generated




Can technology solve all of the problems? Craft a thought piece for a cyber conference of technology experts. Include your thoughts on the following:

  • The physical, legal, and ethical boundaries of technology
  • The possibility of achieving results without technology
  • The advantages and disadvantages of technology (i.e., unintended consequences)
    • Does the end justify the means?
  • When technology should be paramount, and when should it be sidelined
  • What society should truly expect from the future

Support your arguments with authoritative sources, and apply appropriate APA formatting guidelines in 2 to 3 pages.

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Cyber Conference
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Cyber Conference
The Physical, Legal, and Ethical Boundaries of Technology
Technology has no physical boundaries since an individual’s mind cannot be limited. As
different generations evolve more innovations come into existence. Even though various projects
may take differing time to complete depending on the abilities of a person, there is no physical
limitation on the development of technology (National Research Council, 2009). Inventors can
technological invent anything regardless of the physical location provided they conform to the
different laws of physics. There are no material boundaries when it comes to technology
provided a person has the required resource (Stanton & Stam, 2002). There are developments of
legal limits each day as different countries enact laws and legislation that govern technology and
its operations. The requirements may vary from one region to the other, but there are universally
accepted laws that are applicable across boundaries. For example, each inventor has to copyright
his or her technology to avoid duplication. It is illegal to reproduce the technology of another
inventor without his or her consent and may lead to legal implication such as being sued.
Therefore, it is essential to follow al...

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