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you must read newspaper article on an issue that relate to something we've discussed in class, and for the article you need to write a one-page summary and analysis. The summary/analysis should be structured so that the first half of the page is a summary of what was discussed in the article. What is the controversy or issue being discussed by the author? The second half of the page should describe how it relates to something that we've discussed in class as well as a discussion of your personal opinions/beliefs regarding the subject and why you feel that way. These one-page summary/analyses should be one full page in length, double-spaced, and use 12-point Times New Roman font. Also, you need to include copy of the article you read at the end of the summaries/analyses.Below I have listed the newspapers/sources that you may choose from:

i want yo to use (Legalization of weed) as a topic attach the article too please

The New York Times, Washington Post, The Economist, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, Time, Newsweek, Politico, The New Yorker, and Texas Monthly

Those are the only sources you may choose from for this assignment.

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Explanation & Answer

Hey buddy,Here you go, kindly check it out.


Legalization of Weed: Article
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Weed is a contraband in many countries since it’s prohibition in 1930. The drug has
been used over the years for medicinal and recreational purposes. Many states in the country
have legalized it specifically for medicinal purposes which ha...

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