Spanish oral exam

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Foreign Languages


please give me sentences for each of the 4 topics because i need to speak about 2 topics for 2-4 minutes on each.

thank you

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SPAN 1020 STUDENT GUIDELINES FOR ORAL EXAM The oral final exam will be set up as a spontaneous conversation in which a small group of students (2 or three) will be given a topic to discuss. • Your oral exam will last approximately 4 minutes and will take place in a room (or rooms) to be specified by your professor. • You will schedule your oral exam time slot ahead of time on a sign-up sheet provided by your professor. If you do not show up for your oral exam on the day and time chosen by you, you will receive a zero on the exam, with no possibility of a make-up. • Your professor will distribute in advance the list of topics and the grading criteria to be used for the oral exam. Be sure to look over this material carefully in preparation for your exam. While you have access to the various exam topics ahead of time in order to prepare mentally and review any necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures, you will NOT be allowed to refer to note cards, your textbook, a Spanish-English dictionary, or any other resource materials during the exam. The exam is a test of your ability to express your ideas more or less spontaneously in Spanish. It is NOT a test of your ability to read or to memorize paragraphs in Spanish. While your professor may ask you questions or make brief comments during your exam to help you or let you know that he/she understands what you are saying, the major responsibility of producing the content is YOURS. Think of the exam as a type of dialogue on your part, with occasional feedback from your interested listener. • Before your oral exam, your professor will have cut the list of general topics into individual strips of paper, such that one topic appears on each slip. The slips of paper will be folded and placed in a container. At the start of your exam, you randomly will choose one (1) slips of paper from the container. You will have a minute to review the topics. Then you will begin speaking. Prepare to speak for approximately two minutes about your topics. Basically, you will to talk with your partner(s) about the topic and ask and answer questions pertaining to it. • During your exam, relax and try to enjoy the experience. Good luck! Topics: (descriptions, likes and dislikes, statements) Para el examen oral final, van a estar con una pareja para conversar sobre UNO de los siguientes temas por DOS A CUATRO minutos. Cada pareja debe preparar todas las situaciones porque en el examen cada grupo tendrá UN minuto para prepararse antes de comenzar. a. Es el jueves. Tú y tu pareja son amigos/as y quieren hacer algo este fin de semana. Haga planes para ver una película pensando en cuándo, dónde, etc. (El futuro). b. Estamos en febrero y las vacaciones primaverales se nos acercan. ¿Qué planes tienen para las vacaciones? Habla de los planes — una persona debe viajar a un lugar, y la otra debe ir a un lugar diferente. (El futuro). c. Una persona es el alcalde / la alcaldesa y la otra es un/a ciudadano/a. Habla sobre un problema en Chattanooga y una posible solución. Dé recomendaciones para solucionar estos problemas. (Subjuntivo) d. Hablen de unas vacaciones inolvidables que ustedes tomaron, individualmente o en familia. Usen el pretérito y el imperfecto. e. Están en un café. Una persona habla de sus problemas personales y profesionales. Dé recomendaciones a su amigo. Después cambien el rol. (Subjuntivo o indicativo) Oral Exam Rubric Communicative Content / 25 points Name: Grade: Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaches expectations Does not meet expectations 25-23 22-20 19-16 15-10 Successfully achieves Realization of Does not achieve all communicative goal as described in question prompt; communicative goal is mostly complete; aspects of communicative goal; Communicates message in a highly developed & clear Communicates message in a clear way; Communicates message imprecisely at times; way; Incorporates some variety of speech patterns; Limited variety of speech patterns; Uses a variety of speech patterns; Complexity & amount of relevant information conveyed is exceptional; Complexity & amount of relevant information conveyed is very good; Good progression of topic Information conveyed is simple but mostly relevant; Unclear progression of topic at times Does not achieve communicative goal; Communicates message in a basic and unclear way; Uses simple speech patterns only; Information conveyed is minimal and/or irrelevant; Illogical progression of topic Natural progression of topic Fluency and Interaction Responses to partner are always appropriate for communicative goal, context, mostly appropriate for communicative goal, context, and roles as defined in prompt; and roles as defined in prompt; Conversation flows smoothly and naturally; Conversation generally flows smoothly; Helps to maintain / 25 points Responses to partner are Helps to maintain meaningful dialogue throughout; meaningful dialogue most of the time; Speech is natural, spontaneous, unbroken Speech is continuous with slight pauses Responses to partner are at times inappropriate for communicative goal; Conversation does not flow well; Occasionally helps to maintain meaningful dialogue; Slow and hesitant speech Responses to partner are inappropriate; Conversation does not flow; Rarely helps to maintain meaningful dialogue; Long pauses; Halting and broken speech Accuracy Demonstrates consistently accurate use of grammatical structures and word choice appropriate for this level; Mostly accurate grammar and word choice for this level; grammar and vocab; Demonstrates excellent variety of structures and vocab Limited variety of structures and vocab; Outstanding variety of structures and vocab; / 25 points Significant errors of Interference of English; Meaning confused or obscured Little or no interference of English Pronunciation Correct pronunciation of sounds and accent patterns; / 25 points Only occasional errors of pronunciation, mostly careless; Entirely comprehensible; Entirely comprehensible; Little interference from Some interference of English English Frequent critical errors that may impede comprehension; Errors are inappropriate for this level; English interference noted Many errors of grammar and/or word choice inappropriate for this level; Little or no variety of structures or vocab used; Extensive interference of English, or use of English; Errors impede comprehension Many errors of accent patterns & pronunciation; Mostly incomprehensible; English interference is prevalent
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hello, kindly have done our assighnment and have decided to sumbit it eearly enough so that if there are any clarification you may ask me to make am then ready to do that. Kindly dont hesiate

1. Explain the meaning of cultural competence, its benefits and limits.
Cultural competence means that an agency or individual has the proper knowledge, skills and
appropriate attitude to work successfully among the cross-cultural background of the populace. This
allows an agency or an organization to better serve the population and provide the same care similarly
to everyone. Limits are only based off of the knowledge and skills of the agency or organizations
employees. Having bilingual employees can help, but those employees also need to be aware of cultural
beliefs, as to not be oblivious towards said beliefs. This can mean you have to recruit and retain some
staff members that would replicate the cultural diversity of the community that it is being served.
Providing training and educational material on cultural health and competence also to be effective a...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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