University of Phoenix Nursing Organizational Structure Paper

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University of Phoenix


Obtain a nursing organizational chart for your agency, department, or service area.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:

  • The type of organizational structure
  • How the structure creates an environment of support for client-centered care
  • The use of information systems, communication methods, and  decision-making models consistent with the culture and organizational  structure of the agency
  • The various lines of communication and reporting
    • Identify the formal and informal reporting lines
    • Look at issues of power and control, as well as whom the real leaders in this organization are
    • Identify how the social and cultural influences of your community are integrated into the delivery of care in your organization
  • How generational differences influence the organizational culture of the workplace

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Use Attached Rubric for specific expectations

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Explanation & Answer

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Nursing Organizational Chart



Nursing Organizational Chart
The following is a discussion of the nursing organization chart. The identified organization
uses the tall organization structure. Some of the issues addressed in the paper include how the
structure creates an environment for client-centered care. The use of information systems,
communication methods, and decision-making models have been addressed in the paper. The lines
of communication and reporting have been discussed, where the organization uses vertical and
horizontal lines. Other issues that have been addressed in the paper include the impacts of cultural
and social factors towards the delivery of healthcare by the organization.
Organizational Structure
The organization structure for the department is tall organizational structure. This type of
organization results in one long line of command. As the department grows, the level of
management increases with the structure becoming taller. The managers form different ranks each
having an area of control (Rodney & Varcoe, 2012). This form of the structure increases the
performance of the department due to close supervision of the nurses. The management prefers
this structure because it facilitates supervision and control.
Creating an Environment of Support for Client-centered Care
The organization structure is important in the creation of a positive environment that is
based on clients care....

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