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Choose a student from your class and identify all of the data sources that you have available to you regarding this student's situation. List the scores this student has on all the available data sources. (This might include any standardized tests, short cycle assessments, benchmark testing, fluency probes, discipline referrals, attendance data, affective assessments, etc...) What does the data tell you about the student? What are the strengths and weaknesses? How will you use this data to inform your instruction for this student? This might include content, skills, behavior, grouping, or types of assessment. You do not need to submit any of the actual tests, just descriptions.

Elementary Data

Suzie is a 9 year old female student in the third grade. She lives with her parents and a younger brother who is in the first grade. Her parents are both educated and support her by helping her with her school work.

She enjoys playing with dolls and taking gymnastic classes.

She has perfect attendance.

She reads at a 4th grade level.

She gets along well with classmates and is very respectful to her teacher.

She has never had a discipline referral.

She can read 160 words per minute on her fall fluency probe.

Her grades for the first 9 weeks of school are: Math: B, Reading: A, Social Studies: B, Science: C

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Student: Alan Alan is on grade level for a 7th grade student. His standardized test scores allowed him to be place in the advanced track of students. His strongest subjects are Language Arts and Social Studies. His lowest scores are in Mathematics and Science. Alan comes from a middle class working family with both the mother and father present. His parents are active members of a local church congregation. Alan is rarely absent. Even though Alan does well in school, he seems disinterested. He is often dropped off at the school by high school students and comes to class smelling of tobacco smoke even though his parents are not smokers. There have also been instances where Alan was overheard in class talking about drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana which goes strongly against what his mother and father believe. A teacher informed his mother about him possibly being involved in these activities and they were dismissed by her. Once he is finished with his work, Alan immediately begins to cause trouble in the classroom such as by talking, throwing papers, or just being a general distraction to other students who are trying to complete their work. This student is able to complete the assigned work much faster than his peers which leave him to conduct his pranks. While his test scores show that he is able to do the work in Mathematics and Science, he is not readily receptive of either class. He generally has a bad attitude toward the teachers of those two courses as well. Most of these outbursts began when he did not make the basketball team. Some of his interests include playing the card game Magic the Gathering, listening to heavy metal music, watching horror movies, and playing video games. He no longer has any interest in playing sports or associating with those who do. This information shows that this student is capable of accomplishing great things but he needs the proper motivation to succeed. He seems obviously disappointed by not making the basketball team so he should be presented with other options so that he is still socializing with peers of his age group. There is an after school program where 7th and 8th grade students are able to play video games and Magic the Gathering which could create new friendships around his interests. When it comes to class work, Alan needs to be challenged more so that he does not become bored because this causes him to create distractions for other students. Since he does not care for Science and Mathematics but excels in English and History the assessments could be presented in a different way to Alan such as with more extended response or essay style questions. Additionally, Alan could be permitted to bring additional reading material to class in order to keep him occupied once he is finished with his classwork. His distracting behavior could be changed as well by giving him more responsibilities in the classroom. Once he is finished with his work and the teacher checks it then he can be allowed to assist others who may not be as advanced. This will give him the ability to have the attention of other students while providing them with instruction instead of distraction. Lastly, it would be encouraging for him to put some focus into learning an instrument which would allow him to be part of a group as well as something he could work on during his own time at home. There are a myriad of options for him to play and since he is so fond of listening to music he should talk to the band director to see what instrument might be right for him. Additionally, he might benefit from receiving music lessons from someone who is not affiliated with the school such as a local music store that offers guitar lessons. By implementing these changes, Alan will hopefully be back on a road to greatness.
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Student assessment


Jane is seven year old female student in the third grade. Jane lives with her mother and an
older sister who is in seventh grade. Despite the fact that her parents are divorced they support
her whole heartedly. This is so since they are both educated & understand the value of education
to their child. This is evident in the way they help her with her school work.
Her strongest subjects are mathematics, science as well as social studies. Her lowest
scores are in language arts as well as humanities. In general Jane performs well in school.
However, despite the good performance at school, Jane’s commitment to school ...

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