Write an executive summary of what was discussed in Unit 4 about the new healthcare business or service line. It should also include the following information:
A unique mission statement
Vision statement
How will your business (product and services) benefit society?
Financial information
What assets are involved?
What debts?
Debt versus equity
Debt ratio
Financial cash flow
A synopsis of anticipated operational expenses (be sure to include items such as staffing)
A synopsis of anticipated revenue (Who is going to pay you? Are there regulations or oversight attached to the revenue stream?)
Summary of your future plans

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Executive Summary: Mental Health Services to Underserved Populations
A Unique Mission Statement
Vision Statement
How Will Your Business Benefit Society?
The business brings to the population in need medical services as well as wellnesses programs
that caters for all their mental health needs
What Assets Are Involved?
Both fixed and temporary assets are involved.
Debt Versus Equity
The business will use a combination of equity and debts
Debt Ratio
he business anticipates to operate within a 1 to 1.5 debt ratio
Financial Cash Flow
Although the business will be based on a value-based model of healthcare, the cash flow from
patient care and other operations
A Synopsis of Anticipated Operational Expenses
A Synopsis of Anticipated Revenue
Payment from clients for the services they get will be the main source of income for the business.
Summary of Your Future Plans
As the business gets a stron...