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.•.00 Ooredoo LTE 1:19 AM 1 39% Done 17 of 17 RTSGRAPHS/STATISTICS the following chart and answer the questions about chache w % Pop ( 2000-2014) Americas North America INTERNET USERS AND POPULATION STATS FOR THE AMERICAS Population REGION Internet Users (2014 Est.) Americas User Growth Users % Population (Penetration ) Latest Data 340.831,831 36.7% 252,908,000 South America 392,597,416 42.3% 852.7% 136,166,279 34.7% Central America 153,320,669 16.5 % 946.1% 33,658,000 22.0% The Caribbean 40,744,383 4.4% 9,207,200 TOTAL AMERICAS 927 494 299 100.0 % 431,939,479 NOTES: (1) Internet Usage and Population Statistics for the Americas was updated June 30, 2014. (2) CLICK ON 134.0% 74,2% 58.6% 31.5% 78% 2.1 % 100.0 % 22.6% Ave. 46.6 % 1.545.9% 242.4 % contained in the US Census Bureau. (a) Internet usage statistics comes mainly from data published by Mbelhing link back to Internet World Stats (6) For definitions and help, con the site surfing guide. © Copyright 2014, Miniwatts Marketing Group. All rights reserved. 1. Of the four Americas, which has the second largest population? 2. Why is the population estimated? 3. How many internet users are there in Central America? 4. Which region has the largest user growth since 2000? 5. What is the average % Population (Penetration) of the total Americas? 6. A pie chart is a circle divided into sections that represent the parts of a whole. Name the only two columns in the chart above that can be made into pie charts. and (2) (1) 7. What date was the region and country data taken for this chart? 8. Name one source listed as a provider of Internet usage statistical data MLA FORMAT: On the back side of this page, please set up (print clearly) an MLA heading for the artic first page. OTO Reading and Vocabulary Final Exam VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Find and highlight the following glossary terms in the article. Taking Control of Your Nightmares". suspended psychologist formulated unconscious neurologists mental conscious stopped for a while, interrupted or delayed a doctor who studies the brain and how people behave developed, created not being aware, or not having control of your own thoughts doctors trained in treatment of diseases of the nervous system affecting the mind, the way we think to be aware to know one's own feelings and thoughts a relationship between two or more things method actually, factually, in truth ongoing, a condition that remains unchanged bad dreams psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, analyst, counselor correlation technique literally persistent nightmares therapist STRATEGIC READING DEVELOPMENT and READING COMPREHENSION Summarize or write key points for each of the four paragraphs from the article. Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4 CE 079 Reading and by Final Exam Name Read the following article istove you start the final exam. The glossary terms and their definitions are on the second page. TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR NIGHTMARES (1) Dreams and dreaming have always been a mystery to most people. As we dream, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended. A century ago, the famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, formulated his theory that dreams were the disguised emotions of our unconscious desires and fears" Now, clinical neurologists, such as Dr. Rosalind Cartwright of Boston University, believe that dreams are highly emotional, intensively powerful mental events. She firmly believes tha dreams can be brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. "It's your dream," she says, "If you don't like it, you can change it. (2) Evidence from brain studies shows a powerful correlation between dreams and emotions The brain is just as active during early sleeping hours, when the most powerful dreams occur, as it when fully awake. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved in the development of dreams The limbic system (the emotional part of the brain) is especially active during dreams, while the prefrontal cortex (the reasoning part of the brain) is quiet. So, "the limbic system controls whether w wake up from our dreams happy or depressed", says Stanford sleep researcher, Dr. William Demem (3)The process of dreaming does not have to be left to the unconscious, Dr. Cartwright state She feels strongly that a person can develop conscious control over repeated bad dreams, and suggests the following technique to control bad dreams. First, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Secondly, visualize how you would like the dream to end instead. Then, the next time a bac dream occurs, try to wake up just enough to control where the dream is taking you. With much ractice people can learn to, literally, control their dreams in their sleep. (4) The most important thing to remember is that we don't have to pay much attention to ou ams unless they keep us from sleeping, Dr. Cartwright says. People who do have persistent mares, however, should seek help from a therapist. But, for the rest of us, the brain has its wa erking through bad feelings. Reprinted from "Taming Your Nightmares" by Pat Boston, Psychology Today, 15 June 2010, New York, NY, 13
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Surname 1
December 4, 2017
1. North America
2. The population is estimated because it is not certain that the statistics were accurate. The
census process is not usually perfect as it is done by human and human is to error. Some
people may have been counted twice or even not counted at all because of their various
duties that go on as usual during the census.
3. 33,658,000
4. The Caribbean
5. 34.31%
6. Population and internet users
7. June, 30 2014
8. Nielsen online

Surname 2
Taking Control of your Nightmares
Strategic Reading Development and Reading Comprehension
Paragraph 1
Over the years, nobody has been able to clearly understand the logic behind dreams. A lot
of research has been done and many scientists, such as Dr. Rosalind Cartwright, have come up
with different ways to interpret dreams and dreaming.
Paragraph 2
Studies show that the brain is active during sl...

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