China in contemporary world

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HIST284B/AAAS284A China in the Contemporary World Final Exam Fall 2017 Short Essays (50% each): Please answer the two questions below. Your essays should be based on historical evidence drawn from the course materials (including lectures, readings, film clips, and images). The total length of the two essays (double-spaced, font size 12) must not exceed 6 pages. 1. Statement: There is no question that China faces serious environmental issues – pollution, water shortage, ecological degradation, a huge demand for natural resources, and so on. It is unfortunate that neither the Chinese government nor Chinese citizens care about domestic or global environmental problems. Do you agree with this statement? If so, please use concrete evidence to support your argument. If not, please use concrete evidence to dispute the statement. 2. You wake up one morning and discover that you are a noted expert on contemporary China. You have been invited to give a talk on the topic, "Contemporary China: Challenges, Responses, and Hopes," to an international audience of college students. You have taken HIST/AAAS 284 and know a lot about the topic. You have also read David Shambaugh's recent book, China's Future. You decide to compose your speech as a response to Shambugh's book. Do you agree or disagree with the main arguments of the book? Why? Be sure to support your perspective and points with concrete evidence. Citation Examples: Readings: (Shapiro, 125) Lectures/Discussions: (Fan, 3/2) Paper due December 11, noon Please upload your paper (in one document) to Turnitin. Go to the class website on Blackboard. Click the Content link in the side bar. On the next page, you will see “Final Exam.” Click the “View/Complete” link on that page and you will arrive at a new page with a box stating “Submit.” Follow the instructions and submit your paper by uploading it using the file upload function. Note: Please make sure that you read and understand "Student Academic Honest Code." 2016/xq/2_academic policies and procedures_all_students.xq?_xsl=/bulletin/2015- 2016/xsl/MasterCompose.xsl#headerOuter
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China in Contemporary World
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China has over the past years undergone vast environmental degradation crises which
have brought up a lot of controversies leading up the question, what lasting solution can mitigate
this upcoming threat to life? Considering the level of damage that these environmental problems
have presented to the public and the government, it is the high time that both of these parties
worked together to come up with a way out of this epidemic. This epidemic has been worsening
each and every day prompting a public outcry and a demand on what the relevant authorities
responsible are doing to curb this problem before it gets out of hand.
Going into detail on the various problems that exist, their causes, possible solutions and
how far the public and the government in implementing the necessary solutions to these
problems will give the reader a clear insight on what this essay is about. In March 2013 a number
of pigs were discovered dead in the river in the Huangpu River, these pigs were tested for any
infectious disease, and the results came out positive. The pigs had initially tested positive, and it
was confirmed that they were carriers of the porcine circovirus which according to experts is a
common disease among some of these animals, they also affirmed the public that the disease was
not known to be infectious to Human beings.
The Huangpu River has for a long time been a source of tap water to the residents of
Shanghai who raised questions about the safety of this water after the incident. This incident was
among the many similar cases that were experienced in other parts of the country, but this recent
one was the highest tally of pig carcasses that have ever been collected. Although relevant
authorities worked effectively to cool the public outcry by assuring the residents of Shangha...

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