Catholic social teaching

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i need a Paper on Catholic Social Teaching for economic class, it should be in good format 5-7 pages. It can be for example on povorty. Include one source plus use simple words.

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Catholic Social Teaching on Poverty
Poverty is one of the central areas of focus in Catholic Social Teaching. Catholic Social
Teaching focusses on upholding and promoting justice, equality and fairness, to ensure that all
people enjoy and benefit from the natural gifts and resources of nature. The main rationale for
this is that each person is sacred and social, the first of God’s creation whom He created in His
own image, as such, all individuals are equal before God, and should thus equally benefit from
natural resources. However, due to the emergence of classes, politics and other social issues,
inequality has crept into the world, where one has plenty of wealth whereas others lack the most
basic necessity like food, clothing and shelter. This essay focusses on how the Catholic Social
Teaching perceives poverty and the major teachings offered in regard to poverty.
Firstly, Pope Benedict XVI emphasizes on the importance of charity, as a way of fighting
poverty and ending the suffering of the less fortunate in the society. Pope Benedict XVI states
that charity is a way of showing justice to the poor in the society. This is because by virtue of
having excess property and wealth, sharing is a way of promoting equality and fairness. This
argument stems from the fact that all humans are supposed to share of the same natural resources
given by God, and having opportunities and favor to access these resources, equally necessitates
sharing them out to promote justice. Pope Benedict XVI emphasizes that justice is inseparable
from charity: charity is a form of promoting justice.

Surname 2
Apart from that, since God is love, and all Christians follow in God�...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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