Background Checks

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Assignment: Background Checks Background checks are generally conducted with the final candidate in the selection process. The background checks can include employment and education verification, references, criminal history and other sources if they pertain to the job. In this Assignment, you will describe potential legal issues associated with background checks. You will also be reviewing a scenario and making a recommendation on what action to take. In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcome: HR400-4: Assess how employment tools and documentation are used for employee selection. Assignment: Before starting this Assignment, review the Assignment Checklist. You are the hiring manager for Home Improvement Center and need to fill a position for a night supervisor position. You have narrowed the selection to an applicant you think would be a good fit for the position. The applicant meets the job requirements and responded well to the competency-based interview questions you posed during the interview. You conducted reference checks on the applicant by contacting former employers and received positive results. However, the background check shows the applicant had been convicted of possession of illicit drugs ten years ago for which the applicant served time in prison. Respond to the following questions in a 2–3 page paper. 1. How do the results of the background check influence your decision to hire the applicant? Do you still hire the applicant, despite the results of the background check? Explain. 2. What are potential legal issues associated with background checks? Include a description of negligent hiring and defamation of character. Describe the steps an organization should take to prevent negligent hiring and defamation of character from occurring. Assignment Checklist:  This Assignment should be a 2–3 page Word document, in addition to the title and reference pages.  It must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.  Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples where asked.  Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.  Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.

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In Home Improvement Center (HIC) is a company that values image both inside and
outside the company. In this regard, the HIC have a robust human resource hiring procedures
that not only gives potential candidates a fair process it also protects the image of Home
Improvement Center. At HIC we had a vacancy that was announced, applications invited,
reviewed and potential hires called for an interview. We settled for a good fit candidate and the
results of the background checks on a personal level are found wanting. He has been incarcerated
in the past for dealing with illegal drugs (Smith, 2014).
As the human resources manager, HIC will not hire the candidate. As part of the HIC
employment policies that I ...

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