Sociology Analysis of to Kill a Mocking Bird

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I need someone who has read/understands the book to kill a mocking bird. I need in atleast four pages a analysis of the book with these three questions:

1) Choose three characters from the novel who are of distinctly different social classes. Describe each character and the social class to which each belongs. How does the society of Maycomb differently socialize members of these social classes?(Be specific, use examples.) What are the consequences of these different forms of socialization?

2) Prior to the trial of Mr. Robinson, Maycomb society is a functioning, balanced society. Make an argument for how this community is balanced. Be sure to justify the functions of the Ewells and African Americans, as well as the functions of the Finches and the Radleys.

3)Prior to the trial of Mr. Robinson, Maycomb society is a functioning, balanced society. Make an argument for how this community is balanced. Be sure to justify the functions of the Ewells and African Americans, as well as the functions of the Finches and the Radleys.

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Hi,Find attached the completed work.Feel free to ask for any clarification or editing if need be.Looking forward to working with you in the future.Thank you.


To Kill a Mocking Bird
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Choose three characters from the novel that are of distinctly different social classes. Describe
each character and the social class to which each belongs. How does the society of Maycomb
differently socialize members of these social classes? (Be specific, use examples.) What are the
consequences of these different forms of socialization?

In the book To Kill a Mocking Bird, there are different social classes/status of people
which is determined by the occupation or their race. Atticus Finch, for example, is a higher
social class since he is a lawyer who is a good occupation and because he is white. This makes
him be a highly renowned and respected person in the society setting of the book. Additionally,
his children, Jem and Scout, are of the high social class since Atticus is their father (Lee, 1960).
Calpurnia is another character in the book that belongs to the wealthy and middle class status in
the society. This is because she is black and she conducts herself well, has good manners, and
maintains good relations with other people, for example, the Finch family (Lee, 1960). The fact
that she is black, places her in this class however if she were white she would be in the same
status as Atticus Finch. On the other hand, Walter Cunningham is of the lower class or the poor
class as compared to Atticus and his family. Cunningham’s family lives by borrowing money
from other people and repay the money through farm products which they get from their farm.
They have no stable occupation that would earn them an income (Lee, 1960). Despite this, they
are respectable since they are white.
Lula is another character who is in the poor and black social status in the societal setting.
She believes that the black people should relate among themselves while the white should also
stick to their own level. In this belief, she becomes rude to Calpurnia who is black for associating
with the white people and also she harshly treats two kids just because they are white (Lee,



The form of socialization in the society of Mycomb is different in relation to the social
status that one belongs. For example, since Atticus is of the higher class, he is to be respected by
everyone around him and in the society. The lower class people should equally...

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