Write a Film argument essay Good Will Hunting Dir. Gus Van Sant, 1997 and how it is linked to the american dream

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Film Argument Essay Overview

DUE: by 11:30 pm on Saturday (11/9/17)

This week you will develop an argumentative research paper based on the film assigned to your group, and for which you have been doing various activities, such as engaging in a discussion and developing an annotated bibliography. Your goal is to develop an argumentative thesis that identifies with specific elements (characters, plot, and / or setting) of the film that reflect the achievement of the American Dream OR disillusionment with the American Dream.Follow these criteria in developing your essay:


  • A good introduction relevant to the subject and your film
  • A well-developed argument thesis


  • Develop well-argued body paragraphs that contain topic sentences which refer back to the thesis and provide supporting details from the film and your analyses. Well-argued body paragraphs focused on clear main ideas. Each main idea must: be introduced with a topic sentence, include critical analysis supported with clear and specific examples (reference to scenes) from the film, be further supported with critical and scholarly sources and conclude by showing its relation to the thesis.
  • Use the film and your scholarly research as resources to develop your argument.
  • Use a strong organizational structure with clear transitional sentences


  • Write a conclusion that reemphasized the thesis statement


  • An MLA formatted works cited page with 4-6 sources of relevant scholarly research
  • Inclusion of properly formatted in-text citations for all sources used in the essay (using the MLA parenthetical form of citations).

Assignment 3: Film Argument Essay


  1. Create your 750-1250 word essay on the film assigned to your group. Your essay must have a strong argument thesis that asserts the connections between the American Dream theme and the film. The essay must use correct formatting according to MLA in terms of spacing, heading, font, indenting, in-text citation, works cited, etc. For help with how to formulate an argument or correct formatting see Argument in the Unit/General Resources tab at left.
  2. Save your file in .doc or .docx format and submit as an attachment using the BLUE link above. Be sure to click the Submit button or I won't receive your file. When I have finished grading your essay, you may view my comments by re- clicking the link above


This assignment requires you to use all of the skills you have been developing to analyze multiple texts, develop and support an argument, follow a process for writing, and use and cite sources properly.


I will grade your essay on the quality of the argument you construct. I will look for well supported claims as well as relevant evidence to support your claims. In addition, I will take into account accuracy of in-text citations, works cited entries, and the general criteria for writing assignments. (100 points).

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Argumentative Essay
The American dream has been one of the key components when looking at the
development process of the Americans. It is what every American dream of achieving. With this
in mind, movies have been created to represent the American dream. Some of these movies have
completely captured the American dream will other have failed in the process of articulating the
American dream. One of these movies which have been developed under the base of the
American dream is the "Good Will Hunting Dir.”. With this in mind, the focus of these paper
will be analyzing how the film Good will hunting Dir. Explore the idea of the American dream.
When looking at the American dream, it is developed along the lines of perseverance
(Ziewacz, et al n.p). It is one of the components that one can take from the movie. South Boston
who is one of the characters in the film states that “you don’t ha...

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