Solutions Lab Manual of Chemistry 068 From LAVC

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There are a 5 problems that I cannot solve, and I need help with finding the step by step solutions, including the formulas used, and last but not least the answers. Numbers 2 and 3 are based off of the page with the chart that I attached, and the rest are separate.

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B. Preparation of a solubility curve for Potassium Nitrate Mass of paper and KNO3, (g) g Mass of paper, (g) Mass of KNO3 dissolved, (g) Initial volume of water in cylinder, (mL) Volume of water remaining in cylinder, (mL) Volume of water transferred to tube, (mL) 4,42 0.27 g 6.866 g 10.0 mL 5.00 ML 5.00 mL 03/100 mL H₂O Solubility, (g KNO3/ 100 ml water) Temperature of crystal formation, (°C) trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 trial 64°C 54°C C Average Temperature, ºc 58.33°C trial 5 57°C trialo 64° +54°+57° 2 58.3 3 Class data Solubility of KNO3, (g/100 mL) Temperature, (°C) NAME QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTIONS 1. Why does the solubility of many substances increase with temperature? (Remember what an increase in temperature means on a microscopic scale.) Solubility of many substances increase with temperature causing the increase in kinetic energy permits the solvent molecules to break apart more easily and effectively, in order to fully dissowe. information 2. Based on your suph what is the solubility (in g/100mL H20) of KNO3 at 51 °C? At 75 °C? information 3. Based on your graph, at what temperature would the solubility of potassium nitrate be 95 g/100 mL H20? 4. A 3.0% (m/v) potassium chloride solution has a volume of 25.0 ml. How many moles of potassium chloride are in the sample? 5. How many grams of a 25% (m/m) sodium chloride solution contain 0.250 moles of sodium chloride? 7. Hydrochloric acid, HCI, reacts with barium hydroxide to produce barium chloride and water. How many mL of a 3.00 m hydrochloric acid solution would be required to react with 25.5 mL of a 4.65 M barium hydroxide solution?
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