Reflecting on literature studied and writing strategies learned

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it is the paper about personal experience on understanding literature and ideas gained about literature during the course studied.

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ENG 125: Introduction to Literature Paper #2: Reflecting on Literature Studied and Writing Strategies Learned FOCUS: This paper assignment gives you the opportunity to reflect on the genres of literature we have studied throughout the semester (memoirs, essays, poetry, fiction, drama, also music lyrics, music videos, performances, films) as well as writing strategies you have learned and practiced. To reflect on literature studied, as well as writing strategies you learned, you will want to review texts we have read, discussion notes from class, your two completed reading journals, and first major paper. You may also want to consider how your ideas about writing have changed over the course of the semester, and what new concepts you learned in class about writing, as well as in your individual paper conferences and peer editing sessions. In addition to reflecting, this paper also invites you to consider how you will engage with this new knowledge of literature and writing in the future and use it beneficially. DEVELOPMENT: To get started, you may find it helpful to consider what you thought about literature and writing before this class began. Next, think about texts you read, in-class discussions you engaged in, analyses of literature you wrote, and any new writing strategies you tried over the course of the semester. What new ideas do you now have about literature and writing as the class is concluding? Also, how do you anticipate putting this new knowledge to use either in future college classes you take, or in your professional and personal lives? These above questions are important to fully answer within your paper using examples from readings, discussions, your writing, in-class activities, etc. over the course of the semester. ARRANGEMENT: Your paper can be arranged in any way you feel communicates your message clearly. Do not feel restricted to a five-paragraph essay or that you have to include a formal thesis at the end of your first paragraph. You should arrange your paper in a way that you feel comfortable with and that your chosen, “real” audience can understand and follow. AUDIENCE: For this paper, you are to choose an audience to address that you feel could benefit from the information you are sharing about what you have learned in terms of literature and writing strategies. Pick an audience that is real in your life that you would want to tell about what you have learned throughout this course. LANGUAGE: The language you use in your paper should be appropriate for your audience. For example, if you are writing to a close friend or family member, you would choose to write in language that is more informal and conversational. It is perfectly fine and encouraged to use “I” in your papers when including your reflections on what you have learned in terms of literature and writing strategies. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 6-7 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman or Garamond font, Due Date for the Final Paper appears on the Daily Schedule of your syllabus. Also, you need to include a visual cover page for this assignment. The visual cover page should shed light on a point in your writing and give your audience an idea of what your paper will cover.
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Good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know. Always invite me to answer your questions.Goodbye.








While growing up the only literary genius, I grew up knowing was Shakespeare. In one
of his most definitive works Othello, I could not help but feel that any literature should be
marked with tragedy. Whenever I came across most of the literature onwards, I always looked up
to the literature as a form of tragedy expression. The implication is that because of the thinking
about Shakespeare and his seemingly alluring need to always find horror, even in love that
always formed my perception of such issues. It would be unfair not to mention that fictional
books, especially novels written by John Grisham. He is an author who I grew up admiring, and
wishing that I would be more or less like the fictional characters that he invented in most of his
works that I managed to read. Some people would probably feel the same, but in this essay, I
intend to write my story, my incessant and evolution with literature. Perhaps, there have been
dynamism and static aspects that have proved challenging to work on but one thing that I must
say, literature has always been a reflection of the author, rather than the contextualization that
most people tend to apply to this aspects. My journey may not be comprehensive to offer an
objective or authoritative view on literature, but one thing for sure is that I have always learned
to find the hidden meaning, to interact with the artist to have an accurate representation of what
the author seeks to highlight. People may argue that literature is shaped by the society, and most
of the literature is, with issues such as racism and other historical perspectives have influenced
most of the works that were w...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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