Verbal Communication Assignment

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Required Resources

Munter, M. & Hamilton, L. (2014). Guide to Managerial Communication (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Booher, D. (2003). Speak with Confidence! Powerful Presentations that Inform, Inspire and Persuade. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Assignment 3: Verbal Communication

Worth 220 points

From quick conversations to phone calls, meetings, formal presentations, and sales pitches, you must employ effective verbal communication skills at all times. While verbal interactions are extremely common, they can also be stressful. Every interaction contains the potential for success...and the danger of failure. To be “on your game” at all times requires purposeful practice, reflection, and adjustment based on input and feedback. No matter what your verbal communication skills are, you can improve them.

In this assignment, you will develop and deliver a verbal communication for the scenario you have identified. Your communication should match your challenge or opportunity. For example, if your challenge is an interview for a new position, you may choose to record yourself answering a few key questions that might be posed by the interviewer.

For the purposes of this course, your video presentation should not exceed 5 minutes. (Your scenario might require a much longer presentation, but limit your response to the key 5 minutes in this case.)


For Part 1, create and deliver a verbal communication (recording your presentation for submission to your instructor) that aligns with your Strategic Communication Plan.

For Part 2, reflect on your presentation, and document your preparation and how you used feedback to refine your verbal communication.

Part 1 - Verbal Communication (video)

  • Develop and Deliver Your Verbal Communication
    • Use an impactful opening statement to engage, set context, and/or create relevant meaning for the audience
    • Use compelling stories/statistics/facts to support your key message
    • Where appropriate, make your request of the audience clear and actionable
    • Use visual aids (where necessary) that support and complement your verbal communication, but which do not drive the conversation
    • Limit recordings to no more than 5 minutes
  • Demonstrate Professional Presence
    • Be authentic and genuine in your delivery
    • Use the appropriate tone and vocabulary for your audience
    • Use body language and eye contact effectively
    • Speak concisely with clarity and confidence
    • Build rapport and connect with your audience to grow the relationship
    • Dress appropriately and employ an appropriate camera frame (with a neutral background that is free of distractions)
    • Employ only professionally presented and appropriately prepared visual aids, if used
  • Reflect on Your Presentation Preparation
    • Describe the approach you took to plan for your presentation
    • Explain how you rehearsed for the presentation
    • Offer suggestions for how you might better prepare in the future

  • Use Feedback to Refine Your Communication
    • Describe or list the feedback you received on your verbal communication from the week 8 Discussion Board
    • Explain how you used the feedback to revise and improve your message and/or delivery

Part 2 - Reflection and Feedback (written)

Professional and APA Formatting Requirements

Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements:

  • Your document must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
  • The format should be consistent with professional standards. If slides are used, apply slide design best practices (minimal text, appropriate images/charts, and proper grammar and spelling) for an appropriately professional presentation.

Grading for this assignment will be based on the following criteria and evaluation standards:

Points: 220

Assignment 3: Verbal Communication


Below 70% F

70-79% C

80-89% B

90-100% A

1. Develop and Deliver Your Verbal Communication

Weight: 25%

The student does not include an impactful opening statement and/or does not use compelling stories/statistics/ facts.
Student does not make a clear and actionable request of the audience.
Visual aids, if used, do not complement or support the verbal communication. Recording is longer than five minutes.

The student attempts to make an impactful opening statement and/or uses somewhat compelling stories/statistics/ facts.
Student makes an actionable request of the audience but the request lacks clarity.
Visual aids are somewhat complementary and support the verbal communication to some degree. Recording may be more than five minutes.

The student’s opening statement is adequately impactful and/or uses mostly compelling stories/statistics/ facts.
Student makes a sufficiently clear and actionable request from the audience.
Visual aids, if used, are mostly complementary and support the verbal communication. Recording is no more than five minutes.

The student’s opening statement is highly impactful and/or uses extremely compelling stories/statistics/facts.
Student makes an entirely clear and actionable request of the audience.
Visual aids, if used, are entirely complementary and support the verbal communication. Recording is no more than five minutes.

2. Demonstrate Professional Presence

Weight: 25%

Student does not demonstrate, or demonstrates incompletely, a level of professional presence.
The verbal communication is inauthentic or uses an inappropriate tone and contextually inappropriate vocabulary is used.
Student fails to build confidence with the audience and does not achieve rapport. Student’s appearance and demeanor are not professional. Visual aids, if used, are unsatisfactory and unprofessional in look and feel.

Student demonstrates a passable level of professional presence.
The verbal communication may be lacking a completely authentic voice, uses a fairly appropriate professional tone for the audience, and uses fairly contextually appropriate vocabulary that helps to build some confidence in the student while maintaining clarity for the audience.
Student attempts to build rapport with the audience and is fairly professional in appearance.
Visual aids, if used, are lacking in professionalism and presentation.

Student demonstrates a moderate level of professional presence.
The verbal communication is mostly authentic, uses a satisfactorily professional tone for the audience, and uses vocabulary that is largely appropriate in context.
Student builds confidence and rapport with the audience while maintaining clarity. Student is mostly professional in appearance.
Visual aids, if used, are satisfactory and professional in look and feel.

Student demonstrates a high level of professional presence.
The verbal communication is authentic, employs an appropriately professional tone for the audience, and makes use of vocabulary that is appropriate in context. Student successfully builds confidence and rapport with the audience.
Student is professional in appearance and presentation.
Visual aids, if used, are professional in look and feel.

3. Reflect on Your Presentation Preparation

Weight: 20%

The student does not reflect, or reflects incompletely, on the presentation. The student does not provide the necessary information.

The student reflects on the presentation to some degree and provides some, but not enough, information.

The student reflects adequately on the presentation and provides a moderate amount of necessary information.

The student is exceptionally reflective concerning the presentation. The student provides all necessary information.

4. Use Feedback to Refine Your Communication

Weight: 20%

The student does not describe feedback received.
The student does not explain how feedback was used to revise and improve the written communication.

The student satisfactorily describes or lists feedback received.
The student partially explains how feedback was used to revise and improve the written communication.

The student adequately describes or lists feedback received.
The student sufficiently explains how feedback was used to revise and improve the written communication.

The student accurately describes or lists feedback received.
The student fully explains how feedback was used to revise and improve the written communication.

5. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar, mechanics, spelling, and formatting.

Weight: 10%

Writing does not meet minimal standards.
Tone is not professional. Communication is wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling, mechanical, formatting, and/or grammatical errors.

Writing is satisfactory.
Professional tone is developing.
Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.
May contain more than a few spelling, grammar, mechanical, or formatting errors.

Writing could be improved, but meets acceptable standards.
Tone is professional.
Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.
May contain few or no spelling, mechanical, and/or grammatical errors. There may be a small formatting error.

Writing is excellent.
Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling, mechanical, or grammatical errors, and formatting meets standards.

Prof Alston,

I will just repost this question and just do what you can do. I just want to give the extra $20 to you.

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Explanation & Answer


 Last week, I had the pleasure of presenting a webinar

known as Employees Guide to Fearless Feedback.
 Even tough I have delivered countless coaching sessions,
workshops, and talks on the topic of effective
communication, it was an eye opener for me to develop
this presentation.
 Articulating what I believe about productive feedback and
pairing it with a two-hour class helped me get clearer on
my views on what constitutes to effective feedback.

What is fearless feedback
 Communication is more than jut getting your point across,

it is a continuous feedback loop.
 ...

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