Transformational Leader with Vision

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Business Finance


Transformation leaders are viewed as change agents in their organization. They develop, build, model and encourage the vision for the organization. Choose a leader and evaluate how he or she supports the elements of vision in his or her organization. You must identify the leader and his or her organization, and provide a URL to the leader’s website and to the organization.


  • Evaluate how this leader communicates the vision.
  • What does this leader do to encourage experimentation?
  • How does this leader model the vision?
  • Evaluate how this leader builds commitment to the vision.


  • Your paper should be 5 double-spaced pages including introduction and conclusion.
  • Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references. Incorporate two scholarly references
  • In-text citation used throughout the assignment and APA-formatted reference list.
  • Please no plagiarism and sources should not be older than 5 years.
  • Include headings organize the content in your work.

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Explanation & Answer


Transformational Leadership- Outline
Thesis: Transformational leadership ensures that there is the growth of the employees in all
aspects of the organization guiding their need to evolve in the company.

Transformational Leader
A. Richard Branson
B. Flexibility


Vision Communication
A. Roles and responsibilities
B. Positioning


Encouraging Experimentation

A. Policies
B. Motivation

Modeling of the Vision

A. Direction
B. Reputation

Commitment to Vision
A. Principles
B. Framework


Transformational Leadership




Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is the approach of leadership that helps in changing the
organization systems and the individuals. The type of leadership is essential in ensuring that
there is positivity in the changes and that the goals developed help in guiding the employees on
the various organizational issues that they should resolve. Transformation leadership is essential
in helping to motivate the employees and improve their morale in the various tasks that they
undertake and the mechanisms that help in resolving the issues that they continue to face in the
organization. The connection to the operations of the organization and the identity of the
employees is essential in helping to focus on the issues that the management continues to face
and the analysis of the strengths of the employees that manage the different challenges that they
face in their growth in the organization. Transformational leadership ensures that there is the
growth of the employees in all aspects of the organization guiding their need to evolve in the
Transformational Leader
One of the transformational leaders is Richard Branson of Virgin group, and he has
enabled the growth of the organization in different aspects. Branson shows the ability to adapt to
the various changes in the organization and this flexibility is important as it helps in adjusting the
culture of the organization (Virgin, 2017). His ability to steer the companies to success is
through embracing the role that the employees play and the correlation with the different areas of
interests that he seeks to pursue. There is focus on the promotion of the employees and the
recommendations to embrace the different challenges as these guides the various business units
Vision Communication



Communication of the organization vision is an important aspect of transformational
leadership as it helps in guiding the employees on their roles and responsibilities in the
organization. The communication with the employees should focus on the long-term goals of the
organization and the driving of the passion of the employees. There is an analysis of where the
organization should be positioned in the market in the years to come and the need to enhance
their roles in the organization in achieving the long-term goals. Richard ensures that the
employees are mentored and that there is a unification of their personal goals with those of the
organization. The mentality of thinking forward is essential in ensuring that there is a long-term
success in the organization and that there is the studying of the operation of the industry and this
means that there is a need for the educational programs (Khan & Ismail, 2017).
The curiosity of employees is important in ensuring that there is the expansion of the
organizational programs and the horizons that help in managing the careers of the employees.
There is the provision of the thinking mentality, and this helps in ensuring that there is the distant
management of the goals of the company. The shaping of the investments is one of the goals of
Richard Branson, and this is important in ensuring that there is relevance in the operations of the
company and the raising of the mentorship programs to help in managing of the expectations of
the company in the long run. The studying efforts of the company help, in the long run, are
important in the provision of a roadmap that guides the achievement of the goals of the
organization in the long run.
Encouraging Experimentation
Encouraging experimentation helps in ensuring that there is focus on the role of the
employer in enhancing the success of the organization. Richard ensures that there is the
empowerment of the employees and trusting them to balance their lives while focusing on



balancing their lives. There is rolling out of the policies that help in ensuring that career growth
in the organization is enabled and that there is involvement and the inspiration of the employees
is focused as their performance reflects on the organization.
The involvement of the behaviors of the employees in the leadership aspects is important
in ensuring that there is making decisions in the organization and that the approach used focuses
on empowerment methods. The appreciation and the valuing of the employees are essential in
ensuring that the employees and the provision of the purpose of the organization are loyal. The
feedback that the employees provide to the management is important in getting different ideas on
the areas that help to increase the engagement of the employees and the approaches that help to
increase productivity in the long run.
Richard Branson sees the best in people, and this has helped in the maximization of the
skills of the employees and the development of their interests in the different business units. The
inspiration for their behaviors helps in making sure that there are innovative measures that
promote the vision of the organization and this is important in improving potential and the
success of the employees in the company. The motivation of the employees is important in
enhancing the maximization of the skills and the enthusiasm that helps in the development of the
Modeling of the Vision
The vision of the company is essential in ensuring that there is an exploration of the
vision of the company in the long run. The establishment of the brand is important as it ensures
that there is focus on the leadership aspects and the need for the steady growth of the
organization. The modeling of the vision provides insights to the employees, and this is
important in the development of the uniqueness of the operation of the organization (Tabassi et



al., 2017). The strong leadership presented helps in giving the company direction, and this means
that there is focus on the processes of the organization and the disciplining of the systems
inclusive of the employees. The modeling of the stability of the organization is enhanced by the
creativity of the employees, and this helps in ensuring that there is support of the organization
operations and the focus on the risks that the company faces in the long run.
The running of the business is important for Richard Branson, and...

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