Frankenstein: Prologue - Chapter 7 ESSAY

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Directions: Create a word processing document titled "Frankenstein Assignment 1." For each question that follows, compose a short essay response (250 to 400 words). Be sure to provide a clear thesis statement that does not just restate the question. Support your thesis with specific evidence from the text. Clearly number your responses or copy the question and place your essay response under it.

Letters One through Four

  1. Why do you think Robert Walton is so eager to visit such a hostile environment?
  2. Discuss the similarities between Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein, the man Walton rescues. Why does Walton feel such compassion for Victor, a total stranger?
  3. Why is Walton so impressed with his shipmaster's actions regarding his fiancee?
  4. What Romantic concepts do the characters of Victor and Walton illustrate?

Chapters One and Two

  1. Victor is deeply affected by Caroline's death. Discuss Victor's reaction to his mother's death and the influence it has on his scientific studies.
  2. Discuss Victor's friendship with Henry Clerval and compare it to his father's relationship with Beaufort.
  3. What is "modern science" as explained by M. Waldman, and how does it differ from the theroies of Agrippa and the other scientists Victor studies?

Chapters Three, Four, and Five

  1. Why do you think Victor created such a horrible-looking creature? Did he realize what he was doing? Explain your answer.
  2. What are some of the characteristics of the Gothic novel and how does Mary Shelley use them in these chapters.
  3. Victor tells us that his friend Clerval's imagination was "too vivid for the minuitae of science." What does he mean by this?

Chapters Six and Seven

  1. After Justine is accused of William's murder, why do you think Victor never tells anyone about the creature?
  2. Explain why Justine confesses to the crime even though she is innocent.
  3. Discuss Victor's experience with lightning and Shelley's use of it when Victor sees the Creature.

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Explanation & Answer

I waited for you to respond and you didn't so I answered each question with 250 words each and it was alot of work.

Frankenstein Assignment 1
Letters One through Four
1.Why do you think Robert Walton is so eager to visit such a hostile environment?
Robert Walton was an explorer and he was used to going on dangerous and daring adventures.
He is the kind of person who welcomes danger and conflict because he feeds off the challenge.
He is also alone and feels isolated because he doesn’t mix well with the people on his voyages
as they are not at the same intellectual level as he is. He is a hopeless romantic and seeks
adventure at every turn. He has a “love for the marvelous” and that is what drives him to
encounter experiences that test his strength and courage. Walton writes to his sister that his ship
is ready to set sail and he welcomes the hostile challenge because he knows the seas can be
rough. The voyage became perilous when Walton’s vessel runs into huge sheets of ice in the
ocean. Walton and his crew notice a massive sledge being pulled by a huge creature and even he
is momentarily stunned. He does enjoy a challenge though and they trudge on only to run into
an ice flow with another huge sledge the next morning. This time the sledge is being pulled by
dogs and Walton decides to investigate because he cannot resist the element of danger and the
unknown as many men and women during the romantic period had the same goal. This is where
the author introduces the main character in the novel, Victor Frankenstein, another courageous
voyager who has been swept up on the sledge and is in serious trouble.
2. Discuss the similarities between Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein, the man Walton
rescues. Why does Walton feel such compassion for Victor, a total stranger?
The reader realizes right away that both Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein are cut from the
same mold. They both risk danger and have a strong need to explore places that have never been
inhabited. This sets up Victor’s desire to do something that nobody has ever done before and
that is to create life with the making of his creature, Frankenstein. Walton approaches the sledge
and finds that all the dogs pulling the sledge are dead, except for one. Walton feels the
adrenaline of adventure and danger as he sees Victor, barely alive on the sledge and moves to
help him. Almost instantly there is a sense of brotherhood between the two men, as they are
challenged by the ice and the weather to bring Victor to safety. Walton is compassionate
towards Victor’s dilemma because he senses that they are very much alike and he has waited a
long time to meet somebody that can match his courage and desire for adventure. Walton sees
that the man is weak and hungry. He is very thin and close to death. Walton tries to convince to
board his ship but Victor will not board the ship until he is assured that the ship is heading north.
Again, Walton’s adventurous sid...

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