Test: Multi-Cultural Marketing, Consumer Segmentation and Targeted Marketing

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The test is 25 questions. I have attached a copy of the whole test. I appreciate the help with this. :)

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Test: Multi-Cultural Marketing, Consumer Segmentation and Targeted Marketing 1. Multicultural marketing can incorporate consumer variables such as mobile consumption practices, shopping habits, or time-sensitive offers such as Holiday Marketing. Choose One • 4 points • True • False 2. One of our readings this week identifies and examines attributes of ethnic marketing. Attributes discussed include all of the following except _______________. Choose One • 4 points • Social Institutions • Language • Material Culture • Font Preference 3. Navigation from non-acculturation to semi-acculturation has been shown to depend on three major factors: –___________- Education –Socio economic status in country of origin. Choose One • 4 points • height • country of origin • time • employment 4. Material culture includes tools and technology as well as components of the natural environment that have cultural meaning such as a _______________. Choose One • 4 points • language • christmas tree • multicultural • hair color 5. There is only one target market within the U.S. Hispanic population so there is no reason to customize ads or promotional content to distinct groups within the U.S. Hispanic target market. Choose One • 4 points • True • False 6. Test 2 Chinese Consumer Segment Choose One • 4 points The Asian target market has become the focus of increased marketing efforts that take place both on and offline. An example of a product that is marketed to the Chinese segment of the Asian target market in North America is described in one of our readings. According to tradition, Chinese give each other ______________ with "good-luck money" for the New Year. • teddy bears • red envelopes • turtle shells • painted boxes 7. Test 2 Language and Marketing Question Choose One • 4 points One of our readings this week identifies an opportunity to market to cultural groups based on holiday traditions. For example, there are numerous brands that fully embrace Chinese consumers in the U.S by creating Chinese-language New Years marketing programs. • True • False 8. Test 2 Ethnicity Choose One • 4 points Ethnicity is a term that can include cultural characteristics of a group of humans as well as a term that might be used to refer to biological characteristics that differentiate groups of humans such as skin color, hair type, eye color, stature, etc. • True • False 9. Test 2 Geo-Targeting Choose One • 4 points The Chinese segment of the Asian target market in the U.S. is described in our reading this week as a geographically concentrated population. This means that this segment represents a good candidate for culturally customized geo-targeted marketing. • True • False 10. Publix Sabor does not represent a culturally customized version of the Publix grocery store where Hispanic products are integrated throughout the store rather than in one section. Choose One • 4 points • True • False 11. Test 2 Acculturation Question Choose One • 4 points Persons in the U.S. that typically only navigate within the Latino culture are described as ________________. Most of these individuals have recently immigrated to the U.S. and prefer to speak Spanish. • fully acculturated • acculturated • semi-acculturated • non-acculturated 12. Hispanic market segmentation in the U.S. is an example of _________________. Choose One • 4 points • international marketing • ethnic marketing • one-size fits all • assimilation marketing 13. Test 2 Hispanic Mobile Question Choose One • 4 points One of our resources this week reports that less than half of Hispanic mobile Internet consumers utilize their mobile phones to conduct research related to a purchase while shopping in a brick and mortar location. • True • False 14. Test 2 Hispanic Cultural Relevance Question Choose One • 4 points One of our readings this week reported on the significance of cultural relevance when advertising to online Hispanic consumers. This article advised that when an ad includes aspects of Hispanic culture, regardless of language, less than 50% pay attention, and 41% feel more favorable about a brand that aims to be culturally relevant. • True • False 15. Test 2 Receptive to Mobile Choose One • 4 points When discussing trends in African American shopping habits, one of our resources this week reports that compared to other consumers in the U.S., African Americans are ____________ likely to be receptive to mobile advertising. • 56% more • 86% more • 56% less • 86% less 16. Test 2 Mobile Payment Question Choose One • 4 points Marketers should consider mobile payments as a strategic tactic for engaging online African American shoppers because these consumers are 37 percent more likely to be interested in making mobile payments than the average adult in the U.S. • True • False 17. Test 2 Bavarian Culture Choose One • 4 points Many of our resources this week focus on ethnic marketing centered on traditions from Europe and elsewhere such as Bavarian heritage. Marketing tactics applied to engage a traditional Bavarian celebration known as Oktoberfest would be an example of ethnic marketing in the United States. • True • False 18. Test 2 Holiday Marketing Question Choose One • 4 points According to one of our readings this week, Holiday Marketing to United States consumers (members of the U.S. culture) should include a strategic focus on shopping Holidays such as Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday. • True • False 19. According to our reading this week, Holiday marketing campaigns for your current or future U.S. clients should focus on Christmas and not waste time and ad spend on other holidays. Choose One • 4 points • True • False 20. Test 2 Cultural Celebrations Choose One • 4 points Holiday’s are culturally specific celebrations providing time-sensitive marketing opportunities. One of our readings makes it clear that different cultural groups can celebrate the same Holiday on different days. • True • False 21. Test 2 Mobile and Age Choose One • 4 points According to one of our readings this week, mobile consumption between ethnic groups in the U.S. is impacted by the average age of users. For example, groups such as _____________ and Hispanics have large young populations which impacts consumer behavior. For example, these groups are more likely to use their mobile phones to conduct research prior to making a purchase. • Chinese Americans • African Americans • Korean Americans • Italian Americans 22. Should ethnicity impact Mobile Marketing strategy in a multicultural society such as the U.S.? Are there differences between ethnic groups in the U.S. that can be capitalized on by marketers? Choose One • 4 points • Yes to both questions • No to both questions 23. A reading from this week explains that one marketing strategy does fit consumers of all cultural segments because what is appealing to one culture does not have the opposite effect on another. Choose One • 4 points • True • False 24. Multicultural marketing is defined by one of our readings this week as targeting and disseminating market communications to the various ethnic consumer segments in a diverse cultural framework. Choose One • 4 points • True • False 25. One of our readings this week explains that an example of a Holiday celebrated on different days in the same country (by different cultural groups) is Mother’s Day. Choose One • 4 points • True • False
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Explanation & Answer


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Test: Multi-Cultural Marketing, Consumer Segmentation
And Targeted Marketing
1. Multicultural marketing can incorporate consumer variables such as mobile consumption
practices, shopping habits, or time-sensitive offers such as Holiday Marketing.
Choose One • 4 points


2. One of our readings this week identifies and examines attributes of ethnic marketing.
Attributes discussed include all of the following except _______________.
Choose One • 4 points

Social Institutions


Material Culture

Last Name 2

Font Preference
3. Navigation from non-acculturation to semi-acculturation has been shown to depend on three
major factors: –___________- Education –Socio economic status in country of origin.
Choose One • 4 points


Country of origin


4. Material culture includes tools and technology as well as components of the natural
environment that have cultural meaning such as a _______________.
Choose One • 4 points


Christmas tree


Last Name 3

Hair color
5. There is only one target market within the U.S. Hispanic population so there is no reason to
customize ads or promotional content to distinct groups within the U.S. Hispanic target market.
Choose One • 4 points


6. Test 2 Chinese Consumer Segment
Choose One • 4 points
The Asian target market has become the focus of increased marketing efforts that take place both
on and offline. An example of a product that is marketed to the Chinese segment of the Asian
target market in North America is described in one of our readings. Accordi...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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