Assume that you are a staffer for a newly elected congressional representative who will have a seat on the House of Representatives’ Homeland Security Committee. The new congressman knows little about homeland security and about terrorists’ operations. For this assignment, address the following in an information paper:
- Explain how terrorists utilize fear as a weapon. Determine if this has changed since the attacks on September 11, 2001. Provide specific examples in your assessment.
- Terrorist attacks can cause a wide range of damage. Examine how the threat of a nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack is more or less likely to cause fear and panic in the American citizenry than an attack using a more traditional weapon.
- Investigate the extent of the impact of fear on Americans. Then, determine if the United States is less fearful of attack and more resilient since 9/11.
Support your information paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Explanation & Answer

Running head: TERRORISM
Student’s name:
The right definition of terrorism is not an ideology, for instance, the capitalism or the
communism, on the contrary, it's defined as the strategy or the tactic employed to realize a
particular end. The tactic is applied in irregular straggle in power when a not healthy individual
or a group is facing a nation-state that’s powerful (Gould, et al. 2016). The fierceness is normally
targeted at instilling fear in the targeted group of people or population and more often than not,
violent, prompt, and provocation follows as a result. The incidences of terrorism resulting to
crackdowns that are violent have the potential of becoming a cycle that proves difficult to
disrupt. The holocaust of 11th of September in the year 2001 has been outlier or in other words,
one of its kind mostly because of its carnage and the extraordinary impact it caused (Gould, et al.
2016). From this D-day, the securities of Western and the services on intelligence have been so
accurate in disrupting and identifying plots that are complex. Mostly, the airline that is being
treated as the unnervingly target that is tough at the enormous expense in resources and to the
convenience of the travelers.
Currently, the groups formed by the terrorists have started the use of the media and
internet to broadcast the terrifying sensation and fear and to affect the opinion of the public. For
instance, the Islamic State is now applying the internet to greatly enhance the recruitment of new
followers. Terrorism tactics have been used by some situation to safeguard sate’s opinion. It has
been documented that the United States sided and helped Muslim group called Brotherhood in
the Republic of Egypt that was against the government that was a communist of Gamal Nasser
(Gould, et al. 2016). It also suppor...