Movie Analysis of the American Beauty

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choose a film that in some way deals with or speaks of the American Dream, and I want you to review the film in light of the philosophies, and ideologies which make up that dream. It is a different dream for all of us, and it has changed over time. Choose any film that you think would work. Some that students have used in the past are:

"The pursuit of Happyness," "An American Tail," and "Little Miss Sunshine."

Think about how the films use not only plot, but light, sound, setting, tone, costume, etc to make commentary on the American Dream.

Is the dream real? Is it imagined? Who can achieve it? Why? Who can't? Why not?

This essay is quality over quantity. It need only be 3 pages.

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Explanation & Answer


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Movie Analysis of the American Beauty

Majority of residents in the USA look forward to achieving the American dream,
which is perceived to be admirable by the citizens. This dream majorly originated from the
intention by immigrants from all the faces of the world to seek a fresh start in the US. The
American dream revolves around seeking to achieve financial freedom. While the American
dream is interpreted in many dimensions, it is generally interpreted to mean the ability to live
a dignified life by owning one’s own property and achieving a significant level of financial
The movie “American Beauty” depicts the results of attaining the American dream.
The director Sam Mendes demonstrates what ought to be sacrificed in order to achieve the
American dream. The protagonist, Lester Burnham played by Kevin Spacey depicts a man
who is unloved by his family. His family which consists a daughter and a wife are more
preoccupied with their lives. The movie tries to show how the family persistently try to
escape from the American dream after achieving it.


Very useful material for studying!


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