BMIS 510 Liberty University Mom & Pop Pizza Enterprise System Case Diagram
Modeling Exercise 3 Instructions Overview For this modeling exercise, you will revisit the scenario given in the Modeling Exercise 2 Instructions document and consider the following, additional information. Materials Required To complete this deliverable, you will need the following materials This documentMicrosoft,, StarUML (, PlantUML (, or Microsoft Visio Scenario During your first visit to the restaurant, you conducted interviews with several people to better understand their responsibilities and job functions. The following descriptions are from the notes taken during that initial visit. Owner: The owner created the Mom & Pop Pizza 8 years ago and is now looking at opening a second store by year 10. In the planning for this, his family has convinced him that franchising the operation could be very successful. One large barrier to franchising is that of a consistent repeatable process. Therefore, the owner has decided to contact you to design an enterprise IT system that would be scalable to support a multi-state franchise. That being said, the owner has no vision of what this system would look like. He is a pizza chef, not an IT consultant/designer. Manager: The manager runs the day-to-day operations, as well as the hiring/firing/training; the manager is required to schedule all employees. Finally, the manager is responsible for inventorying and ordering the supplies needed. He orders supplies once a week. Hostess: The hostess greets customers and takes reservations over the phone. The hostess also takes delivery/takeout orders and arranges for delivery drivers. The hostess also seats customers when tables become available. Waiter: The waiter takes customer orders, delivers orders to one of the cooks, and takes drinks and food to the customers. The waiter also delivers the bill to the customer, takes money (or credit cards) to the hostess for processing, and returns change (or credit card receipt for signing). Cook: The cook receives orders from the wait staff and prepares the customer’s selections. Food Prep: The food prep prepares sauces and dough for cook’s use; he/she also prepares salad and all other side dishes. Busboy: The busboy cleans tables after customers leave, preparing the tables for the next customers. The busboy also delivers dirty dishes to the dishwasher. Accountant: The owner has traditionally filled the accountant role. He tallies receipts at the end of the day and makes bank deposits. He pays all the bills on a bi-weekly basis. He accounts for all employee hours, and every 2 weeks, he prepares payroll checks. He files all IRS and tax documentation and manages the health and benefits plans of the employees. Instructions With a revised business process in hand, it is time to begin identifying the key ways that you anticipate the users will interact with M&P PIES. To do that, you will create a use case diagram and 5 use case scenarios to model those interactions. It is important to note that a use case reflects the direct interaction that a user will have with the system, not an activity that takes place outside the system. For example, we would not want to create a use case for preparation of sauces, unless we were designing the system to have some role in that activity. For this third exercise, develop a use-case diagram showing all actors and use cases for the proposed, to-be system, and then choose 5 use cases from your use-case diagram and write a detailed use case scenario for each one. You will need to refer back to the to-be process description given in Modeling Exercise 2 instructions, as well as the notes provided above from the user interviews. As you complete this exercise, keep the following in mind: Refer to the Modeling Exercise grading rubric before you begin this exercise.Even though we are now modeling the use cases for a technology system, the use cases should still avoid references to any specific technology. The purpose of this diagram is to visually communicate with the client the way we expect them to use the new system. As such, your diagram should be easy to read for a non-technical person, follow correct UML syntax for use case diagrams (see the UML textbook), and include a proper title and legend (you will need to draw the legend manually, using the unique shapes used in the diagram along with a short textual description of what each shape represents).Be sure to model your use cases such that they represent actual interactions with the system and not activities that would occur outside the context of the new system.Don’t forget to include a system boundary in your use-case diagram.There are no set-in-stone solutions for this exercise. Just as in the real world, there are no off-the-shelf solutions for every IT challenge. It is not our intention to limit your creative knowledge designs.The instructor may make suggestions or add additional requirements in the weekly announcements for each modeling exercise, so be sure to heed those suggestions as you prepare your models, or you may lose points. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.