I have statistics and probability assignment on technology

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it's a probability and statistics class homework, not handwriting it's by computer.

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i need to get a good grade to pass the class

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Lecturer : Dr. Bystrik Probability and Statistics University of Miami Fall 2017 Final Assignment on Technology Problem 1 Points possible 12 2 Total 12 24 Points earned Student name:_____________________________________________________ Student ID:________________________________________________________ Please provide print-outs for your solutions, each on a separate page, both the input and the outputs, for the full credit. Good luck! Problem 1 In this problem we will use N , notation, to match the Mathematica’s notation. Note the alternative, also common, parametrization: the Gamma r, distribution is implemented as Gamma r, 1 ) in Mathematica. Use Mathematica commands to create the density plots and the bar charts for the distributions below. Do not forget to load three packages from the Mathematica kernel (for graphics, for continuous distributions, and for discrete distributions) at the beginning of a Mathematica session. (a) N 0, 1 , N 0, 10 , N 1, 1 (b) Gamma 1 , 1 2 2 (c) Binomial 10, 0. 10 (d) Poisson 1 Problem 2 In this problem we will use N , notation. A sum of Binomial n, p variables is normally distributed if n is "large", but p and 1 − p is not too small compare to n, commonly np ≥ 10, n 1 − p ≥ 10: n Y ∑ Yk k 1 Yk Y Bernoulli p Binomial n, p as n gets large and np ≥ 10, n 1 − p ≥ 10: d N np, np 1 − p Y → Y − np np 1 − p Z N 0, 1 This is a manifestation of the CLT. However if n is "large", but p or 1 − p is small enough for np to remain (commonly) under 10, Poisson is a more suitable approximation for such a binomial distribution: lim C n, x p x 1 − p n→ n−x where x exp − x! np (commonly 10) You are asked to use Mathematica to investigate how well an appropriate Poissonian distribution approximate the given binomial distributions: Will the quality of the approximation improve if we keep n the same and decrease p? Will the quality of the approximation improve if we keep p the same and increase n? Steps: Generate the table of values for the p.d.f. pX 0 , pX 1 , pX 2 , pX 3 , pX 4 , pX 5 for both binomial and the corresponding Poisson distributions described below. Generate the table of values for the differences and the ratios of the corresponding binomial and Poisson p.d.f. values. Judge the quality of the approximation by observing, how close the differences are to 0, how close the ratios are to 1. (a) n (b) n (c) n (d) n 10, p 10, p 50, p 50, p 0. 10 0. 01 0. 10 0. 01 (a) n = 10 and p = 0.1 for binomial approximating Poisson has parameter lambda-np=1 in(27):- Table[binomialpdf [x, 10, .1], {x, 0, 5}] // N Out(27)= {0.348678, 0.38742, 0.19371, 0.0573956, 0.0111603, 0.00148803} in[28]:= Table [poissonpdf [x, 1], {x, 0, 5}] // N Out[28)= {0.367879, 0.367879, 0.18394, 0.0613132, 0.0153283, 0.00306566} errors of approximation in (a): In(29) Table/ binomialpdf[x, 10, .1] - poissonpdf [x, 1], {x, 0, 5}] //N Out(29)= {-0.019201, 0.019541, 0.00977052, -0.00391761, -0.00416805, -0.00157763} In[30]:= Table binomialpdf [x, 10, .1] / poissonpdf [x, 1], {x, 0, 5}] // N Out[30]= {0.947806, 1.05312, 1.05312, 0.936105, 0.728082, 0.485388)
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hello, please extend the deadline to the maximum, the task is too demanding and needs more time.

N(0,1), N(0,10), N(1,1)

GAMMA (1/2, 1/2)

BINOMIAL (10, 0.10)


hello, please find complete task, it has been hectic working on it. Please accept my sincere apologies but did my best to deliver all the task, I hope it will assist you pass your exam

Task 2
In N (µ,ϭ) notation, it can be established that, th...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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