it's a probability and statistics class homework, not handwriting it's by computer.
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i need to get a good grade to pass the class
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Lecturer : Dr. Bystrik
Probability and Statistics
University of Miami Fall 2017
Final Assignment on Technology
Points possible 12
Points earned
Student name:_____________________________________________________
Student ID:________________________________________________________
Please provide print-outs for your solutions, each on a separate page, both the input and the
outputs, for the full credit.
Good luck!
Problem 1
In this problem we will use N , notation, to match the Mathematica’s notation.
Note the alternative, also common, parametrization: the Gamma r, distribution is
implemented as Gamma r, 1 ) in Mathematica.
Use Mathematica commands to create the density plots and the bar charts for the
distributions below.
Do not forget to load three packages from the Mathematica kernel (for graphics, for
continuous distributions, and for discrete distributions) at the beginning of a Mathematica
N 0, 1 , N 0, 10 , N 1, 1
Gamma 1 , 1
2 2
Binomial 10, 0. 10
Poisson 1
Problem 2
In this problem we will use N , notation.
A sum of Binomial n, p variables is normally distributed if n is "large", but p and 1 − p is
not too small compare to n, commonly np ≥ 10, n 1 − p ≥ 10:
∑ Yk
k 1
Bernoulli p
Binomial n, p
as n gets large and np ≥ 10, n 1 − p ≥ 10:
N np, np 1 − p
Y →
Y − np
np 1 − p
N 0, 1
This is a manifestation of the CLT.
However if n is "large", but p or 1 − p is small enough for np to remain (commonly) under
10, Poisson is a more suitable approximation for such a binomial distribution:
C n, x p x 1 − p
exp −
You are asked to use Mathematica to investigate how well an appropriate Poissonian
distribution approximate the given binomial distributions:
Will the quality of the approximation improve if we keep n the same and decrease p?
Will the quality of the approximation improve if we keep p the same and increase n?
Generate the table of values for the p.d.f.
pX 0 , pX 1 , pX 2 , pX 3 , pX 4 , pX 5
for both binomial and the corresponding Poisson distributions described below.
Generate the table of values for the differences and the ratios of the corresponding binomial
and Poisson p.d.f. values. Judge the quality of the approximation by observing, how close the
differences are to 0, how close the ratios are to 1.
(a) n
(b) n
(c) n
(d) n
10, p
10, p
50, p
50, p
0. 10
0. 01
0. 10
0. 01
n = 10 and p = 0.1 for binomial
approximating Poisson has parameter lambda-np=1
in(27):- Table[binomialpdf [x, 10, .1], {x, 0, 5}] // N
Out(27)= {0.348678, 0.38742, 0.19371,
0.0573956, 0.0111603, 0.00148803}
in[28]:= Table [poissonpdf [x, 1], {x, 0, 5}] // N
Out[28)= {0.367879, 0.367879, 0.18394,
0.0613132, 0.0153283, 0.00306566}
errors of approximation in (a):
In(29) Table/
binomialpdf[x, 10, .1] - poissonpdf [x, 1], {x, 0, 5}] //N
Out(29)= {-0.019201, 0.019541, 0.00977052,
-0.00391761, -0.00416805, -0.00157763}
In[30]:= Table
binomialpdf [x, 10, .1] / poissonpdf [x, 1], {x, 0, 5}] // N
Out[30]= {0.947806, 1.05312, 1.05312, 0.936105, 0.728082, 0.485388)
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hello, please extend the deadline to the maximum, the task is too demanding and needs more time.
N(0,1), N(0,10), N(1,1)
GAMMA (1/2, 1/2)
BINOMIAL (10, 0.10)
hello, please find complete task, it has been hectic working on it. Please accept my sincere apologies but did my best to deliver all the task, I hope it will assist you pass your exam
Task 2
In N (µ,ϭ) notation, it can be established that, th...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
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MHA-FP5017 ASSESSMENT-2 Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups
Assessment 2 – Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between GroupsOverview Perform hypothesis testing on the differences b ...
MHA-FP5017 ASSESSMENT-2 Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups
Assessment 2 – Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between GroupsOverview Perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups and create an Excel document. Write a 2–3-page analysis of the results in a Word document and insert the results into this document.Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order they are presented. Hypothesis testing is a foundational statistical technique used to make decisions about a hypothesis. A hypothesis test compares two mutually exclusive statements (null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis) where only one is true. Hypothesis testing can determine statistical significance by examining the probability that a given result would occur under the null hypothesis. For this assessment, you will perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Plan for data collection, measurement, and analysis.Generate a hypothesis about the difference between two groups in a dataset.Identify the appropriate statistical test in a dataset.Competency 2: Analyze data using computer-based programming and software.Performs appropriate statistical test of the difference between two groups in a dataset.Competency 3: Interpret results of data analysis for value-based health care decisions, policy, or practice.Interpret the results of a data analysis and state whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the p-value and an alpha of .05.Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the hypothesis test.Competency 5: Communicate audience-appropriate health management content in a logically structured and concise manner, writing clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA style.Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.Resources Statistical SignificanceFrey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Significance. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 1–4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Gallo, A. (2016, February 16). A refresher on statistical significance. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–9.Simpson, S. H. (2015). Creating a data analysis plan: What to consider when choosing statistics for a study. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 68(4), 311–317. Retrieved from TestingFrey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Hypothesis testing. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 1–4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Hypothesis Tester.Real Statistics Using Excel. (n.d.). Null and alternative hypothesis. Retrieved from E. C. (n.d.). Understanding statistical hypothesis testing. Retrieved from, D. A., Bastos, J. L., Duquia, R. P., Bonamigo, R. R., & Martínez-Mesa, J. (2015). Test of association: Which one is the most appropriate for my study? Anais brasileiros de dermatología, 90(4), 523–528. Retrieved from Skills Center: Interpreting Statistical Data.p ValueFrey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). p value. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 1–4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Elliott, E. C. (n.d.). Interpreting statistical p-values. Retrieved from Results Evaluation of Analytic Results.Interpreting Results of Inferential Techniques.Matching Statistical Tests to Hypotheses.Significance TestsOrr-Depner, R. (n.d.). Learning about 2-sample t-tests with Guitar Hero | Transcript. Retrieved from, A. (n.d.). The basics of significance tests | Transcript. Retrieved from (n.d.). Statistical vs practical significance. Retrieved from for Statistical Data Analysis. (n.d.). Two sample (independent group) t-test using Mcrosoft Excel. Retrieved from, J. F., & Rosenthal, D. A. (2016). Statistics for health care management and administration: Working with Excel (3rd. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Preparation Download the Assessment 2 Dataset [XLSX]. The dataset contains the following variables:clinic1 (total number of visits per month for clinic 1) .clinic2 (total number of visits per month for clinic 2).InstructionsAn investor needs to make a decision on whether to acquire one of two medical clinics based on their productivity, as measured by the total number of visits per month. You have been asked whether there is a significance difference in the total number of visits per month between clinic 1 and clinic 2.For this assessment, perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups in the Assessment 2 Dataset. Create an appropriately labeled Excel document with your results. Also write an analysis of the results in a Word document. Insert the test results into this document (copied from the output file and pasted into a Word document). Refer to Copy From Excel to Another Office Program for instructions.Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the results.Grading CriteriaThe numbered assessment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.Generate a hypothesis about the difference between two groups in a dataset.State null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis as an explanation and math equation.Identify the appropriate statistical test in a dataset.Provide your statistical rationale.Perform appropriate statistical test of the difference between two groups in a dataset.Interpret the results of a data analysis and state whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the p-value and an alpha of .05.Interpret p-value and statistical significance.Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the hypothesis test.Additional RequirementsYour assessment should meet the following requirements:Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.Length: 2–3 pagesResources: Not required.APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format.Font and font size: Times Roman, 10 point.
statistics for nursing research
Details: Complete Exercise 18 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as d ...
statistics for nursing research
Details: Complete Exercise 18 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor. Name:____________________________________________ Class: ____________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________________ □ EXERCISE 18 Questions to be Graded 1.Assuming that the distribution is normal for weight relative to the ideal and 99% of the male participants scored between (–53.68, 64.64), where did 95% of the values for weight relative to the ideal lie? Round your answer to two decimal places. 2.Which of the following values from Table 1 tells us about variability of the scores in a distribution? a.60.22 b.11.94 c.22.57 d.53.66 3.Assuming that the distribution for General Health Perceptions is normal, 95% of the females’ scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 4.Assuming that the distribution of scores for Pain is normal, 95% of the men's scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 5.Were the body image scores significantly different for women versus men? Provide a rationale for your answer. 6.Assuming that the distribution of Mental Health scores for men is normal, where are 99% of the men's mental health scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 7.Assuming that the distribution of scores for Physical Functioning in women is normal, where are 99% of the women's scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 8.Assuming that the distribution of scores is normal, 99% of HIV-positive body image scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 9.Assuming that the distribution of scores for Role Functioning is normal, 99% of the men's scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 10.What are some of the limitations of this study that decrease the potential for generalizing the findings to the target population? (Grove 137-138) Grove, Susan K. Statistics for Health Care Research: A Practical Workbook. W.B. Saunders Company, 022007. VitalBook file. The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use. Excise 33 Use MS Word to complete "Questions to be Graded: Exercise 33" in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate. Name:____________________________________________ Class: ____________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________________ □ EXERCISE 33 Questions to be Graded 1.What is the mean difference from baseline to week 24 for total cholesterol? 2.What is the mean difference from baseline to week 24 for bicarbonate? 3.Between what two numbers does the true mean for triglycerides exist 95% of the time, which is the 95% confidence interval (CI)? 4.Between what two numbers does the true mean for creatinine exist 95% of the time, which is the 95% confidence interval (CI)? 5.Did the HDL cholesterol value change significantly from baseline to week 24? Is this result clinically significant? 6.In a study, the sample size was N = 150, SD = 9, and the mean = 48. Calculate the SEM and the 95th confidence interval for this study. 7.In Table 2, which parameter or variable has the smallest confidence interval? 8.The Atkins Center provided funding and training for the research staff. Would this have an effect on the outcomes of this study? Provide a rationale for your answer. 9.In this study, 51 subjects were enrolled, but only 41 completed it. Identify some possible reasons for the sample mortality of 10 subjects. 10.This was an uncontrolled study. Identify ways to improve the control of the study and thus strengthen the study design. (Grove 247-250) Grove, Susan K. Statistics for Health Care Research: A Practical Workbook. W.B. Saunders Company, 022007. VitalBook file. The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.
A Graph Is Important in Representing Complex Networks Analysis
For Option #1, you will explore how graph coloring concepts can be applied to the real-world problem of installing Wi-Fi s ...
A Graph Is Important in Representing Complex Networks Analysis
For Option #1, you will explore how graph coloring concepts can be applied to the real-world problem of installing Wi-Fi stations in an office. Suppose that an office is installing four Wi-Fi stations throughout the building, and that any stations within 150 feet of each other must transmit on different channels.Complete the following tasks:Create your own office configuration and fill in the table with the distances between each pair of Wi-Fi stations in your office. (Note: The maximum distance possible between any two Wi-Fi stations is 200 ft.) Station #1Station #2Station #3Station #4Station #1 Station #2 Station #3 Station #4 Suppose the engineers want to minimize the number of channels. Draw a graph that would be useful to solve this problem. (Hint: Edges should connect two stations when the distance is less than 150 feet.)Discuss how this problem can be solved using graph coloring concepts.Solve the problem.Explain what the chromatic number of the graph you created in part (b) would tell the engineers installing the Wi-Fi stations.
MAT 240 Southern New Hampshire University Regional vs National Housing Price Paper
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Apply statistical techniques to a ...
MAT 240 Southern New Hampshire University Regional vs National Housing Price Paper
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Apply statistical techniques to address research problemsPerform hypothesis testing to address an authentic problemOverviewIn this project, you will apply inference methods for means to test your hypotheses about the housing sales market for a region of the United States. You will use appropriate sampling and statistical methods.ScenarioYou have been hired by your regional real estate company to determine if your region’s housing prices and housing square footage are significantly different from those of the national market. The regional sales director has three questions that they want to see addressed in the report:Are housing prices in your regional market higher than the national market average?Is the square footage for homes in your region different than the average square footage for homes in the national market?For your region, what is the range of values for the 95% confidence interval of square footage for homes in your market?You are given a real estate data set that has houses listed for every county in the United States. In addition, you have been given national statistics and graphs that show the national averages for housing prices and square footage. Your job is to analyze the data, complete the statistical analyses, and provide a report to the regional sales director. You will do so by completing the Project Two Template located in the What to Submit area below.DirectionsIntroductionPurpose: What was the purpose of your analysis, and what is your approach?Define a random sample and two hypotheses (means) to analyze.Sample: Define your sample. Take a random sample of 100 observations for your region.Describe what is included in your sample (i.e., states, region, years or months).Questions and type of test: For your selected sample, define two hypothesis questions and the appropriate type of test hypothesis for each. Address the following for each hypothesis:Describe the population parameter for the variable you are analyzing.Describe your hypothesis in your own words.Describe the inference test you will use.Identify the test statistic.Level of confidence: Discuss how you will use estimation and conference intervals to help you solve the problem.1-Tailed TestHypothesis: Define your hypothesis.Define the population parameter.Write null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses.Specify your significance level.Data analysis: Analyze the data and confirm assumptions have not been violated to complete this hypothesis test.Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.Provide at least one histogram of your sample data.In a table, provide summary statistics including sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation.Summarize your sample data, describing the center, spread, and shape in comparison to the national information.Check the conditions.Determine if the normal condition has been met.Determine if there are any other conditions that you should check and whether they have been met.Hypothesis test calculations: Complete hypothesis test calculations, providing the appropriate statistics and graphs.Calculate the hypothesis statistics.Determine the appropriate test statistic (t).Calculate the probability (p value).Interpretation: Interpret your hypothesis test results using the p value method to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.Relate the p value and significance level.Make the correct decision (reject or fail to reject).Provide a conclusion in the context of your hypothesis.2-Tailed TestHypotheses: Define your hypothesis.Define the population parameter.Write null and alternative hypotheses.State your significance level.Data analysis: Analyze the data and confirm assumptions have not been violated to complete this hypothesis test.Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.Provide at least one histogram of your sample data.In a table, provide summary statistics including sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation.Summarize your sample data, describing the center, spread, and shape in comparison to the national information.Check the assumptions.Determine if the normal condition has been met.Determine if there are any other conditions that should be checked on and whether they have been met.Hypothesis test calculations: Complete hypothesis test calculations, providing the appropriate statistics and graphs.Calculate the hypothesis statistics.Determine the appropriate test statistic (t).Determine the probability (p value).Interpretation: Interpret your hypothesis test results using the p value method to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.Relate the p value and significance level.Make the correct decision (reject or fail to reject).Provide a conclusion in the context of your hypothesis.Comparison of the test results: See Question 3 from the Scenario section.Calculate a 95% confidence interval. Show or describe your method of calculation.Interpret a 95% confidence interval.Final ConclusionsSummarize your findings: Refer back to the Introduction section above and summarize your findings of the sample you selected.Discuss: Discuss whether you were surprised by the findings. Why or why not?
11 pages
December 2017 Assignment
Please submit only ONE .doc (.docx) or .pdf file with the answers to all questions. Excel files will NOT be accepted for ...
December 2017 Assignment
Please submit only ONE .doc (.docx) or .pdf file with the answers to all questions. Excel files will NOT be accepted for submission. Excel output ...
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MHA-FP5017 ASSESSMENT-2 Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups
Assessment 2 – Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between GroupsOverview Perform hypothesis testing on the differences b ...
MHA-FP5017 ASSESSMENT-2 Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups
Assessment 2 – Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between GroupsOverview Perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups and create an Excel document. Write a 2–3-page analysis of the results in a Word document and insert the results into this document.Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order they are presented. Hypothesis testing is a foundational statistical technique used to make decisions about a hypothesis. A hypothesis test compares two mutually exclusive statements (null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis) where only one is true. Hypothesis testing can determine statistical significance by examining the probability that a given result would occur under the null hypothesis. For this assessment, you will perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Plan for data collection, measurement, and analysis.Generate a hypothesis about the difference between two groups in a dataset.Identify the appropriate statistical test in a dataset.Competency 2: Analyze data using computer-based programming and software.Performs appropriate statistical test of the difference between two groups in a dataset.Competency 3: Interpret results of data analysis for value-based health care decisions, policy, or practice.Interpret the results of a data analysis and state whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the p-value and an alpha of .05.Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the hypothesis test.Competency 5: Communicate audience-appropriate health management content in a logically structured and concise manner, writing clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA style.Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.Resources Statistical SignificanceFrey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Significance. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 1–4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Gallo, A. (2016, February 16). A refresher on statistical significance. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–9.Simpson, S. H. (2015). Creating a data analysis plan: What to consider when choosing statistics for a study. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 68(4), 311–317. Retrieved from TestingFrey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). Hypothesis testing. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 1–4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Hypothesis Tester.Real Statistics Using Excel. (n.d.). Null and alternative hypothesis. Retrieved from E. C. (n.d.). Understanding statistical hypothesis testing. Retrieved from, D. A., Bastos, J. L., Duquia, R. P., Bonamigo, R. R., & Martínez-Mesa, J. (2015). Test of association: Which one is the most appropriate for my study? Anais brasileiros de dermatología, 90(4), 523–528. Retrieved from Skills Center: Interpreting Statistical Data.p ValueFrey, B. B. (Ed.). (2018). p value. In The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (Vols. 1–4). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Elliott, E. C. (n.d.). Interpreting statistical p-values. Retrieved from Results Evaluation of Analytic Results.Interpreting Results of Inferential Techniques.Matching Statistical Tests to Hypotheses.Significance TestsOrr-Depner, R. (n.d.). Learning about 2-sample t-tests with Guitar Hero | Transcript. Retrieved from, A. (n.d.). The basics of significance tests | Transcript. Retrieved from (n.d.). Statistical vs practical significance. Retrieved from for Statistical Data Analysis. (n.d.). Two sample (independent group) t-test using Mcrosoft Excel. Retrieved from, J. F., & Rosenthal, D. A. (2016). Statistics for health care management and administration: Working with Excel (3rd. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.Preparation Download the Assessment 2 Dataset [XLSX]. The dataset contains the following variables:clinic1 (total number of visits per month for clinic 1) .clinic2 (total number of visits per month for clinic 2).InstructionsAn investor needs to make a decision on whether to acquire one of two medical clinics based on their productivity, as measured by the total number of visits per month. You have been asked whether there is a significance difference in the total number of visits per month between clinic 1 and clinic 2.For this assessment, perform hypothesis testing on the differences between two groups in the Assessment 2 Dataset. Create an appropriately labeled Excel document with your results. Also write an analysis of the results in a Word document. Insert the test results into this document (copied from the output file and pasted into a Word document). Refer to Copy From Excel to Another Office Program for instructions.Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the results.Grading CriteriaThe numbered assessment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Hypothesis Testing for Differences Between Groups Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.Generate a hypothesis about the difference between two groups in a dataset.State null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis as an explanation and math equation.Identify the appropriate statistical test in a dataset.Provide your statistical rationale.Perform appropriate statistical test of the difference between two groups in a dataset.Interpret the results of a data analysis and state whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the p-value and an alpha of .05.Interpret p-value and statistical significance.Write a narrative summary of the results that includes practical, administration-related implications of the hypothesis test.Additional RequirementsYour assessment should meet the following requirements:Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.Length: 2–3 pagesResources: Not required.APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format.Font and font size: Times Roman, 10 point.
statistics for nursing research
Details: Complete Exercise 18 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as d ...
statistics for nursing research
Details: Complete Exercise 18 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor. Name:____________________________________________ Class: ____________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________________ □ EXERCISE 18 Questions to be Graded 1.Assuming that the distribution is normal for weight relative to the ideal and 99% of the male participants scored between (–53.68, 64.64), where did 95% of the values for weight relative to the ideal lie? Round your answer to two decimal places. 2.Which of the following values from Table 1 tells us about variability of the scores in a distribution? a.60.22 b.11.94 c.22.57 d.53.66 3.Assuming that the distribution for General Health Perceptions is normal, 95% of the females’ scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 4.Assuming that the distribution of scores for Pain is normal, 95% of the men's scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 5.Were the body image scores significantly different for women versus men? Provide a rationale for your answer. 6.Assuming that the distribution of Mental Health scores for men is normal, where are 99% of the men's mental health scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 7.Assuming that the distribution of scores for Physical Functioning in women is normal, where are 99% of the women's scores around the mean in this distribution? Round your answer to two decimal places. 8.Assuming that the distribution of scores is normal, 99% of HIV-positive body image scores around the mean were between what two values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 9.Assuming that the distribution of scores for Role Functioning is normal, 99% of the men's scores around the mean were between what values? Round your answer to two decimal places. 10.What are some of the limitations of this study that decrease the potential for generalizing the findings to the target population? (Grove 137-138) Grove, Susan K. Statistics for Health Care Research: A Practical Workbook. W.B. Saunders Company, 022007. VitalBook file. The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use. Excise 33 Use MS Word to complete "Questions to be Graded: Exercise 33" in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate. Name:____________________________________________ Class: ____________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________________ □ EXERCISE 33 Questions to be Graded 1.What is the mean difference from baseline to week 24 for total cholesterol? 2.What is the mean difference from baseline to week 24 for bicarbonate? 3.Between what two numbers does the true mean for triglycerides exist 95% of the time, which is the 95% confidence interval (CI)? 4.Between what two numbers does the true mean for creatinine exist 95% of the time, which is the 95% confidence interval (CI)? 5.Did the HDL cholesterol value change significantly from baseline to week 24? Is this result clinically significant? 6.In a study, the sample size was N = 150, SD = 9, and the mean = 48. Calculate the SEM and the 95th confidence interval for this study. 7.In Table 2, which parameter or variable has the smallest confidence interval? 8.The Atkins Center provided funding and training for the research staff. Would this have an effect on the outcomes of this study? Provide a rationale for your answer. 9.In this study, 51 subjects were enrolled, but only 41 completed it. Identify some possible reasons for the sample mortality of 10 subjects. 10.This was an uncontrolled study. Identify ways to improve the control of the study and thus strengthen the study design. (Grove 247-250) Grove, Susan K. Statistics for Health Care Research: A Practical Workbook. W.B. Saunders Company, 022007. VitalBook file. The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.
A Graph Is Important in Representing Complex Networks Analysis
For Option #1, you will explore how graph coloring concepts can be applied to the real-world problem of installing Wi-Fi s ...
A Graph Is Important in Representing Complex Networks Analysis
For Option #1, you will explore how graph coloring concepts can be applied to the real-world problem of installing Wi-Fi stations in an office. Suppose that an office is installing four Wi-Fi stations throughout the building, and that any stations within 150 feet of each other must transmit on different channels.Complete the following tasks:Create your own office configuration and fill in the table with the distances between each pair of Wi-Fi stations in your office. (Note: The maximum distance possible between any two Wi-Fi stations is 200 ft.) Station #1Station #2Station #3Station #4Station #1 Station #2 Station #3 Station #4 Suppose the engineers want to minimize the number of channels. Draw a graph that would be useful to solve this problem. (Hint: Edges should connect two stations when the distance is less than 150 feet.)Discuss how this problem can be solved using graph coloring concepts.Solve the problem.Explain what the chromatic number of the graph you created in part (b) would tell the engineers installing the Wi-Fi stations.
MAT 240 Southern New Hampshire University Regional vs National Housing Price Paper
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Apply statistical techniques to a ...
MAT 240 Southern New Hampshire University Regional vs National Housing Price Paper
CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Apply statistical techniques to address research problemsPerform hypothesis testing to address an authentic problemOverviewIn this project, you will apply inference methods for means to test your hypotheses about the housing sales market for a region of the United States. You will use appropriate sampling and statistical methods.ScenarioYou have been hired by your regional real estate company to determine if your region’s housing prices and housing square footage are significantly different from those of the national market. The regional sales director has three questions that they want to see addressed in the report:Are housing prices in your regional market higher than the national market average?Is the square footage for homes in your region different than the average square footage for homes in the national market?For your region, what is the range of values for the 95% confidence interval of square footage for homes in your market?You are given a real estate data set that has houses listed for every county in the United States. In addition, you have been given national statistics and graphs that show the national averages for housing prices and square footage. Your job is to analyze the data, complete the statistical analyses, and provide a report to the regional sales director. You will do so by completing the Project Two Template located in the What to Submit area below.DirectionsIntroductionPurpose: What was the purpose of your analysis, and what is your approach?Define a random sample and two hypotheses (means) to analyze.Sample: Define your sample. Take a random sample of 100 observations for your region.Describe what is included in your sample (i.e., states, region, years or months).Questions and type of test: For your selected sample, define two hypothesis questions and the appropriate type of test hypothesis for each. Address the following for each hypothesis:Describe the population parameter for the variable you are analyzing.Describe your hypothesis in your own words.Describe the inference test you will use.Identify the test statistic.Level of confidence: Discuss how you will use estimation and conference intervals to help you solve the problem.1-Tailed TestHypothesis: Define your hypothesis.Define the population parameter.Write null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses.Specify your significance level.Data analysis: Analyze the data and confirm assumptions have not been violated to complete this hypothesis test.Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.Provide at least one histogram of your sample data.In a table, provide summary statistics including sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation.Summarize your sample data, describing the center, spread, and shape in comparison to the national information.Check the conditions.Determine if the normal condition has been met.Determine if there are any other conditions that you should check and whether they have been met.Hypothesis test calculations: Complete hypothesis test calculations, providing the appropriate statistics and graphs.Calculate the hypothesis statistics.Determine the appropriate test statistic (t).Calculate the probability (p value).Interpretation: Interpret your hypothesis test results using the p value method to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.Relate the p value and significance level.Make the correct decision (reject or fail to reject).Provide a conclusion in the context of your hypothesis.2-Tailed TestHypotheses: Define your hypothesis.Define the population parameter.Write null and alternative hypotheses.State your significance level.Data analysis: Analyze the data and confirm assumptions have not been violated to complete this hypothesis test.Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.Provide at least one histogram of your sample data.In a table, provide summary statistics including sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation.Summarize your sample data, describing the center, spread, and shape in comparison to the national information.Check the assumptions.Determine if the normal condition has been met.Determine if there are any other conditions that should be checked on and whether they have been met.Hypothesis test calculations: Complete hypothesis test calculations, providing the appropriate statistics and graphs.Calculate the hypothesis statistics.Determine the appropriate test statistic (t).Determine the probability (p value).Interpretation: Interpret your hypothesis test results using the p value method to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.Relate the p value and significance level.Make the correct decision (reject or fail to reject).Provide a conclusion in the context of your hypothesis.Comparison of the test results: See Question 3 from the Scenario section.Calculate a 95% confidence interval. Show or describe your method of calculation.Interpret a 95% confidence interval.Final ConclusionsSummarize your findings: Refer back to the Introduction section above and summarize your findings of the sample you selected.Discuss: Discuss whether you were surprised by the findings. Why or why not?
11 pages
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