Columbia Southern University Vision and Mission Statement Paper

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Business Finance

Columbia Southern University


Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then, write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. You may use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separate companies. Within your essay, include the following: - Explain the principle value of two vision statements - Explain the principle value of two mission statements - Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance - Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance - Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy? - Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length or approximately 750 word, not including the title and reference pages. You must also include an outside source from the CS U Online Library to support your explanations. Follow A PA standards for formatting and referencing.

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Over the course of this unit, we have discussed the importance of mission and vision statements. As a part of that discussion, we analyzed mission and vision statements for their effectiveness. For the Unit II Essay, you will expand on this topic. Using your favorite search engine, research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies. Then, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. You may use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separate companies. Within your essay, include the following: •Explain the principle value of two vision statements. •Explain the principle value of two mission statements. •Compare and contrast vision statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance. •Compare and contrast mission statements of each organization in terms of composition and importance. •Do you think organizations that have comprehensive mission statements tend to be high performers? How do mission and vision statements assist in selecting an industry-specific strategy? •Explain why a mission statement should not include monetary amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, goals, or objectives. Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length or approximately 750 words, not including the title and reference pages. You must also include an outside source from the CSU Online Library to support your explanations. Follow APA standards for formatting and referencing.
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Berkshire Hathaway Inc and Wal-Mart Retailer
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Berkshire Hathaway Inc and Wal-Mart Retailer
Companies are typically ranked based on the level of revenue they generate and the
extent to which the brand has grown and thus the evolution of the Fortune 500 list. The list
incorporates all the data both for the public and the privately-owned institutions and therefore
ranks them in order of their overall performance. Ranking of the companies is important because
it provides the firms with the urge to explore additional production means to beat the other
players in the global market. Therefore, this paper seeks to carry out a comprehensive assessment
of both Berkshire Hathaway Inc and Wal- Mart Corporation to determine how their mission
statements and visions help to propel the operations of the company. Additionally, the essay aims
to evaluate the importance of setting smart targets which help to move the status of the
Walmart Corporation is an international retail institution which deals with the sale of
online goods. Being a globally recognized online retailer, the firm has been able to generate
massive revenues, and this has led to its expansion which has also fa...

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