Strategic Recommendations

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Business Finance


Strategic Recommendations

In developing this assignment, you have an opportunity to synthesize and apply the concepts, principles, and theories. You will be writing a paper in response to the following hypothetical situation.


You work in strategy planning for a KSA organization. You’ve been in the organization in a variety of roles for five years. Recently, the senior leadership team determined that your organization needs a more effective strategy planning process, and you’ve gladly stepped into a role to help determine what the improved process or activities might be.

You’ve been asked by your manager to put together specific strategic recommendations to help the executive team better understand the concepts and principles of a well-designed strategy process. Further, these recommendations will include a set of examples of strategy planning activities specific to your organization.


Your well-written paper should include the following elements and meet the following requirements:

  • The choice of organization is up to you. Describe your organization in terms of its industry, type (private or public sector), headquarters and other locations, and size.
  • Present the strategy concepts, theories, and principles that you believe are important for the senior executive leadership team to understand. If there are contradicting opinions from strategy experts, you may want to present both sides in an objective discussion.
  • Present four examples of strategy planning activities from four different modules that are designed specifically for your hypothetical organization. For each of your strategy planning activities, include a clear and understandable title along with a brief overview description of one or two sentences for each.

Example: the focus of Modules is on Industry Analysis. One example of an activity that would be relevant to content from those modules is Analyzing Industry, Key Success Factors and Profitability.

  • Include the titles of the example activities, with more complete descriptions for each. Explain the benefits and value of each activity specific to your organization.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 9-10 pages in length, which does not include the required title page or reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

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Explanation & Answer


Strategic Recommendations - Outline
Thesis Statement: A strategic plan thus outlines the way forward to achieve a specific set of
goals and the specific actions required to reach them. The strategic plan for a company outlines
the specific channel that a company plans on taking to accomplish its goals and become
I. Introduction
II. Organizational background
III. Importance of strategy planning
IV. Strategy concepts
V. The classic four-step approach
VI. Porter’s strategy

Core competencies


Strategic planning activities


SWOT Analysis


Analyzing competitive forces


Employee engagement surveys


Identifying market niche

IX. Conclusion


Strategic Recommendations




Strategic Recommendations
Strategy planning in any organization is the process that is used to set priorities, focus
energy, resources, and attention to particular activities at a particular time of the organization. As
such, strategy planning is the process of coming up with an elaborate plan of the exact approach
to various activities in the organization. According to Obeidat et al. (2017), a strategic plan is an
organizational management document used to communicate with stakeholders in the
organization and outline the specific goals and the activities required for the attainment of those
goals. A strategic plan thus outlines the way forward to achieve a specific set of goals and the
specific actions required to reach them. The strategic plan for a company outlines the specific
channel that a company plans on taking to accomplish its goals and become successful.
A strategic management plan is the collection of all those strategic activities, the mission,
vision, and all the functions that come with it as a means of achieving a strategy for the
organization. Therefore, while the strategy planning may be static, a management plan turns
these strategies into a dynamic system that provides feedback and the relevant checks to ensure
that the implementation of those plans is smooth. Strategy planning is, therefore, a prerequisite
of management which comes as a control process in the implementation phase. All types of
companies need strategy planning, execution, and the overall management of the entire system to
achieve success in its unique field and industry as well. A strategy can, therefore, be identified as
a crucial aspect of the success of most companies. Implementing such a plan in an organization
will, therefore, require the identification of the key concepts and their applicability in the
organization of choice.



Organizational Background
The organization focused on is named Sadiq, and it is located in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. This company deals with the manufacture and distribution of petrochemical products
both in KSA and other areas of Middle East. Therefore, the organization enjoys a wide market of
its products and the support of the government in marketing its products as well. Sadiq deals in
diversified manufacturing of products such as industrial polymers, active chemicals, fertilizers,
and intermediate petroleum-based products. The product that has marketed Sadiq the most is the
industrial polymers that are mostly sold to other manufacturing companies for the design and
manufacture of specific products.
The headquarters of Sadiq are in Riyadh, but the company has branches in three other
cities. As such, Sadiq has dominated the market and has been among the top 20 largest
companies in the country. Other than the recognition as one of the largest organizations, Sadiq
enjoys a large market share and is considering expanding its services to Europe and Africa from
2019. Therefore, the organization is in the process of product diversification and the adoption of
the manufacture of other products that are related to the already produced goods. This plan to
extend follows the need for a strategic plan for the new branches to be opened in various
locations in Europe specifically Germany and other plants to be located in Egypt. The company,
therefore, is faced with the opportunity to maximize the expansion through strategic planning
which will allow it to succeed in capturing markets in these new locations while still maintaining
the market in Saudi Arabia.
Other than the expansion, the strategic planning process will allow the executives to
appreciate the need for such planning. This will be mainly through outlining the activities and
providing a clear picture of how the company may benefit. Therefore, understanding the strategic


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