compare and contrast creative and critical thinking in the healthcare field in stressful situations

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compare and contrast creative and critical thinking in the healthcare field in stressful situations

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Unit III Essay For this assignment, you will write an essay that compares and contrasts creative and critical thinking as used in a stressful situation. Consider their application and effect as applied to a stressful situation of your choosing that a healthcare administrator might encounter. This may be an actual situation from your experience or a hypothetical situation. Keep the points below in mind as you construct your essay. BHA 3202, Standards for Health Care Staff ā€¢ Clearly identify the stress and its effects in your chos en situation. ā€¢ Your essay should do more than just state similarities and differences. It should also evaluate their significance and impact as well as offer a clear analysis of the types of thinking that should be applied in the situation you chose. ā€¢ It should be organized logically with clear claims of similarities and differences and provide adequate levels of detail and description to support your analysis. Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title or reference pages. It must contain a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that supports your analysis. You must use at least three outside sources, including the textbook. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations must be in APA style. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
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Creative and Critical Thinking
One day, a patient went to a pharmacy and complained to the pharmacist of being stressed.
The patient wanted immediate advice or medicine from the pharmacist who would help in
reducing the stress she was having. She complained to be having severe headaches due to the
stress. When asked what was disturbing her, she gave out many reasons, main ones being family
issues. Therefore, it was the pharmacist, who was also a nurse, to use creative and critical
thinking skills in assisting the patient. The text below is a comparison and contrast between
critical and creative thinking about the situation.
Critical thinking in the healthcare is the ability of health providers to think openly, logically
and systematically. It reflects on the consequences of their decisions when dealing with stressed
clients. Critical thinking is not as expansive as creative thinking. It is also very selective
depending on what is being dealt with. It is also judgmental, and in the healthcare, health
providers use critical thinking to ...

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