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4 essay question need a 250 word response to each section. Pick one question per section and complete a 250 word response. Questions, directions attached below.


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You will write 4 essays for this exam using citations and each one should be greater than 250 words long. There are a total of 16 questions in four categories of four questions each. You will choose one question from each of the four categories. The long essay would be a traditional essay that is typically 5 paragraphs long. The first paragraph should introduce the topic and state the student's position / answer to the question. It should contain between three-five (3-5) complete sentences, including the thesis statement for the essay. The second, and third, and fourth paragraphs are the body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should contain between three-five (3-5) sentences, including the topic sentence (first sentence of the body paragraph, states a main point that supports the thesis) and at least two-three (2-3) specific examples per main point. The fifth and final paragraph should begin with a restatement of the thesis. It should be three-five (3-5) complete sentences, and include a brief summary/conclusion of the student's answer to the essay question. It is essential, particularly in the survey courses, for students to provide cites and footnotes for their work in untimed exams. Citations must adhere to the Chicago Style format but perfection is not expected. An example of common citations are included on pages four and five of this edition. These essays should be at least 250 words long. DO NOT BE CONCERNED WITH THE FORMATTING OF THE TEXT AND CITATIONS AS THEY WILL NOT COPY/PASTE CORRECTLY. THAT IS OK. Questions for Section 1 1. Interpret how the war led to major domestic changes in Russia. 2. What impact did the Zimmerman telegram have on the war and why? Did Germany underestimate the United States resolve and capabilities? 3. Explain Wilson’s reluctance to declare war on Germany. 4. Compare and contrast the differing views of Pershing and his fellow Allied commanders. Questions for Section 2 1. Describe and explain some misconceptions Americans had about European Soldiers. 2. Summarize and assess the role of women at home and abroad. 3. Differentiate the special challenges black units faced in WWI in comparison to white. 4. Interpret how Baker’s account confirms or contradicts Kennedy’s. Questions for Section 3 1. Analyze whether the Russian Revolution was the determining factor in enabling the German offensive on the Western Front in 1918. 2. Assess whether or not Baker thought the war was worthwhile from the American perspective. 3. Assess whether the Germans’ primary problems were internal, or whether they were foiled by the arrival of the AEF. 4. Summarize how the role of artillery had changed by the end of the war. Questions for Section 4 1. Describe and explain the impact the war had on American society? What big developments followed and why? 2. Evaluate whether it is fair to call the Americans’ rejection of the Versailles Peace Treaty (and League of Nations) isolationist. 3. Who was the greatest political or military leader of the war and why? 4. What was the greatest technological development of the war and why?
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Explanation & Answer







Running head: WORLD WAR 1



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Running head: WORLD WAR 1


Q1. What impact did the Zimmerman telegraph have on the war and why? Did the
Germans underestimate the United States resolve and Capabilities?
Zimmerman telegraph had the effect of making America join the war. German efforts in
attempting to creating allies with Mexico to regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if they
supported Germany irked the United States of America. The telegraph intercepted by America;
it convinced America that being neutral would not serve American interests.
Germany was not a democratic country, and the United States decided that joining the
war would contribute to world democracy. America divided at home on whether to enter the war
or not. Having seen the Germany threat of using submarines, European allies losing ground on
the war, American ships were also under attack by Germany. America initially joined the war
through the provision of supplies, credit, and moral support according to "Digital History."
German underestimated the United States capability to mobilize for the war. The United
States had few soldiers at the beginning of the war. America used volunteer soldiers in the
beginning. The United States managed to mobilize soldiers from 200,000 to 4 million personnel
army. America also was able to finance the war through war bonds, make use of propaganda to
gain support for the war domestically as reported in ...

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