Medication Worksheets

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LaRose, DIET4630 Medication Worksheets Condition Medication Type Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Examples Food: Take with food, water, or milk to decrease stomach upset. With high doses, patients may require additional vitamin C, K, and folate. Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) Supplements: Limit/avoid supplemental garlic, ginger, ginseng,, gingko, and horse chestnut possible impact on blood clotting. Ibuprofen, Naproxen Avoid alcohol. Arthritis/Pain Corticosteroids Food: Take with food or milk to decrease stomach upset. Avoid simple sugars and large quantities of CHO d/t risk for impaired glucose tolerance. Limit grapefruit and citrus fruit. May require decrease in Na+; may need to supplement with calcium, vitamin D, or protein. Prednisone, Solumedrol, Decadron Monitoring: Increased appetite. Possible hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and wt gain with longterm use. Avoid alcohol. Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Food: Take on an empty stomach since food decreases drug availability. Take with food or milk is stomach upset occurs. Diuretics Monitoring: Some diuretics cause a loss of calcium, potassium, and magnesium; supplementation may be required on an individual basis. Cardiovascular Disorders Cholesterol Lowering Food: Take with food. Do not take with grapefruit or citrus fruits. Follow a low fat/sat fat diet. HMG-CoA Reductase Supplements: St. John’s Wort. Examples Furosemide (Lasix), Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) Zocor (Simvastatin) “Statins”- Lipitor, Crestor Avoid alcohol. Food: Take with food to increase bioavailability. Take separately from orange juice. Possible need to decrease dietary calcium and sodium (d/t decreased absorption). Beta Blockers Atenolol, Propranolol Supplements: Avoid natural licorice. Take 2 hours before or 6 hours after calcium supplements or antacids. Avoid alcohol. Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Examples Food: Limit monitor vitamin K consumption. Cardiovascular Disorders Anticoagulants Antibacterials (Penicillin) Supplements: Do not exceed the upper limited for vitamins A and E. Limit/avoid supplemental garlic, ginger, ginseng, saw palmetto, gingko, and horse chestnut possible impact on blood clotting. Food: Take on an empty stomach, or 1 hour before of 2 hours after food. If upset stomach occurs, take with food. Avoid guar gum. Warfarin (Coumadin) Penicillin, Amoxicillin Supplements: Use caution when taking vitamin K. Infections Antibacterials (Tetracyclines) Antifungals Food: Take on an empty stomach with 8 ozs of water. Avoid taking medication with dairy products, antacids, and vitamin supplements containing iron because they can interfere with medication effectiveness. Food: Take with food to increase absorption. Grapefruit/citrus must be avoided with certain medications. Tetracycline, Doxycycline Fluconazole Avoid alcohol. Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Examples Sulfamethoxazole Sulfa, Bactrim Antivirals Valacyclovir, Valgancyclovir Infections Monoaimine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) Food: MANY dietary restrictions (see p. 217 in the text). Possibly fatal increase in BP is foods high in tyramine are consumed (aged cheeses, chocolates, ages meats, soy sauce, miso, avocados, sauerkraut, caffeine, bananas, and more should be avoided). Phenelzine, Rasagiline Avoid alcohol. Mood Disorders Food: Take with food if upset stomach occurs. Avoid grapefruit/citrus, and caffeine. Anti-Anxiety Drugs Supplements: Use caution with sedative herbal supplements like chamomile, and kava. Avoid stimulants like caffeine, mate, and guarana. Lorazepam, Diazepam Avoid alcohol. Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Depressant Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Food: Do not take with food or within 1-2 hours after a meal Examples Zolpidem (Ambien) Avoid alcohol. Mood Disorders Adderall H2 Receptor Antagonists Proton Pump Inhibitors Food: Take with or without food with a full 8 ozs of water. A bland diet is recommended. Take 2 hours before an iron or antacid supplement. May decrease B12 absorption. H2- Cimetidine (Tagamet), Ranitidine (Zantac), Famotidine (Pepcid) Caffeine: May irritate the stomach Monitoring: Long-term use may result in B12 deficiency. PPI- Omeprazole (Prilosec), Pantoprazole (Protonix) Avoid alcohol. Gastrointestinal Loperamide Ondansatron (Zofran) Ursodiol Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Examples Peri-colace, Colace, Senna Simethicone Gastrointestinal Metoclopramide (Reglan) Budesonide Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus Immunosuppressants Cellcept (MMF) Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Seizures Anticonvulsant/Antiepileptic Therapy Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Examples Tegretol, Keppra, Phenobarbitol, Depakote, Topamax Orlistat, Xenical, Alli Phentermine Belviq (Locaserin Weight Management Qsymia Contrave Liraglutide Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13. LaRose, DIET4630 Condition Medication Type Use Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines Examples Epogen Misc. Medications Allergies, antiemetic (in cancer pts) Diphenylhydramine NOTE: Some medications listed on the tables above may have many uses/indications. You do not need to include every possible thing that the medication could be used for- the most common uses are fine. I have filled in some of the boxes to get you started. You should use reliable resources to complete the table; many of the public resources found online will not give you enough information about the nutritional implications for the drug(s) in question. Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13.
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LaRose, DIET4630

Medication Worksheets

Medication Type


Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines


Food: Take with food, water, or milk
to decrease stomach upset. With high
doses, patients may require additional
vitamin C, K, and folate.

Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs

Pain killers, fever
relievers, decreasing

Supplements: Limit/avoid
supplemental garlic, ginger, ginseng,,
gingko, and horse chestnut possible
impact on blood clotting.

Ibuprofen, Naproxen

Avoid alcohol.



metabolism, immune
response, stress
response, regulation

Food: Take with food or milk to
decrease stomach upset. Avoid simple
sugars and large quantities of CHO d/t
risk for impaired glucose tolerance.
Limit grapefruit and citrus fruit. May
require decrease in Na+; may need to
supplement with calcium, vitamin D,
or protein.

Solumedrol, Decadron

Monitoring: Increased appetite.
Possible hyperglycemia,
hyperlipidemia, and wt gain with longterm use.
Avoid alcohol.

Some table contents adapted from Bellows L, Moore R. Nutrient Drug Interactions and Food (Fact Sheet 9.361) from the Colorado State Extension. Rev. 9/13.

LaRose, DIET4630

Medication Type



Hypertension, heart
failure, kidney diseases

Nutrition Interactions/Guidelines
Food: Take on an empty stomach since
food decreases drug availability. Take
with food or milk is stomach upset
Monitoring: Some diuretics cause a
loss of calcium, potassium, and
magnesium; supplementation may be
required on an individual basis.

Food: Take with food. Do not take
with grapefruit or citrus fruits. Follow
a low fat/sat fat diet.

Cholesterol Lowering
Cholesterol lowering
Cardiovascular Disorders


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