Energy Map
Adedayo Adekoga
Adedayo Adekoga
Energy Map
This is a chart of how much energy this person
applies in typical situations, from start to finish.
Spending prolonged periods of time outside of a
zone of comfort will drain a person and
ultimately lead to mental and physical stress
and lower results.
Energy Map
Adedayo is Effortless
Adedayo performs naturally in this Dynamic.
The participant can move in and out of it with ease.
1st Dynamic
What Adedayo is like in 1st Dynamic
This Dynamic requires focused effort and
attention inward on ideas, feelings and
concepts. Explore Energy within a person is
creative, independent and fluid.
Adedayo enjoys being in the world of ideas
and possibilities. The participant has a great
deal of creative energy.
This Energy asks, "How?"
It is process-oriented.
The participant likes to know how things
interrelate as part of the "bigger picture."
Explore Energy is most useful at the beginning
of projects when new ideas, creativity and
open-mindedness are required.
The participant often starts new projects. The
participant searches for possibilities and
connections at opportune moments.
The Explore Dynamic is most effective when
participants think broadly, considering more
ideas, information, connections and
The participant finds performing in a limitless
and expanding environment invigorating. The
participant is quite content when the
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Energy Map
Energy Map
participant can indulge in the creative process.
Adedayo has Stress
Adedayo can become tense and drained if there is a great demand for energy in this
Dynamic over a prolonged period of time. The participant may be highly adept at these
actions. The issue is the ability to perform intensively over time without feeling stress.
2nd Dynamic
What Adedayo is like in 2nd Dynamic
Activity within the Excite Dynamic is
expressive and outward, sharing and
invigorating the conceptual process from the
Explore Dynamic.
The participant's energy can become depleted
if the participant has to constantly relate,
motivate and self-promote.
This Energy asks, "Who?"
It is interaction-oriented.
The participant is not terribly concerned with
"who," but can be rather particular about with
whom the participant connects and
Excite Energy provides the impetus for
progress. It generates synergy through
inspiration, influence and persuasion.
Adedayo must use effort to incorporate social
activities with business.
The Excite Dynamic is most effective when
participants generate substantive, active
discourse among stakeholders through both
verbal and non-verbal communication.
Adedayo can experience anxiety when the
participant has to relate to others primarily with
emotion and intuition. It would help if the
participant acquires the ability to read nonverbal language and sense shifts in people's
Adedayo is Effortless
Adedayo performs naturally in this Dynamic.
The participant can move in and out of it with ease.
3rd Dynamic
What Adedayo is like in 3rd Dynamic
Activity within the Examine Dynamic is
cautious and introspective, extracting realistic
expectations from the energized vision from
the previous Dynamics.
The participant will automatically judge what
possibilities can become realities, based on
facts and time constraints.
This Energy asks, "Why?"
It is detail- and fact-oriented.
The participant is delighted to dive into the
weeds of research, details and fact-finding
Examine Energy provides the procedural
strategy and informational tools required for
The participant has ample energy for creating
and organizing structures, rules and timelines
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Energy Map
Energy Map
strategy and informational tools required for
successful completion of the project.
and organizing structures, rules and timelines
to ensure a solid foundation for action.
During the Examine Dynamic, participants
focus on avoiding and/or mitigating omissions,
mistakes and potential weaknesses.
The participant will focus on flaws and
anticipate problems on an ongoing basis.
Adedayo is Effortless
Adedayo performs naturally in this Dynamic.
The participant can move in and out of it with ease.
4th Dynamic
What Adedayo is like in 4th Dynamic
Execute is the Dynamic of external results,
implementing the plan developed in the
previous Dynamic and producing concrete
Adedayo has no trouble maintaining the
stamina and energy necessary to force action,
accountability, decision-making and taskcompletion.
This Energy asks, "What?"
It is goal- and control-oriented.
The participant likes to have measured control
over situations and people. The participant has
an essential interest in the pride of (and even
the reward for) accomplishment.
Execute Energy focuses on completing tasks
with accountability, authority and delegation.
The participant can focus exclusively on taskcompletion. The participant is quite comfortable
delegating and/or having authority.
Within the Execute Dynamic, participants
thrive on challenge, competition and reward.
The participant has an essential interest in
winning and in being rewarded.
This is a universal Dynamic that requires each individual to reflect on the preceding
Cycle and anticipate the next.
The focus of this Dynamic is both internal and external. Internal focus evaluates feelings of
satisfaction and self-worth. External focus evaluates feelings of success and how one appears
to others.
This Dynamic asks all the open-ended questions - the ones that start with "Who," What,"
"Why" and "How."
Examine the process just completed according to these criteria: Where were individual and
group strengths put to their best use? Where was productivity at its best, and where was it at
its worst? Where was the work energized, and where did the energy dip? Repeat this advice
for every Dynamic.
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Take a careful look at whether you're free to move on to a new subject or process, or whether
you should repeat what you've been working on. Before any process begins, think about what
you would consider an ideal outcome. When the work is over, compare the results with that
ideal result.
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Learning Report
Adedayo Adekoga
Adedayo is the consummate, high achieving learner who relishes breaking the curve in the participant's class and becoming
the most knowledgeable authority in whatever subject the participant is striving to learn. The participant loves to finish first
because that gives the participant the control over the participant's destiny. That's because Adedayo is an independent, solitary
achiever who knows what the participant wants and where the participant wants to go most of the time. The participant does
interact intellectually with the participant's classmates, particularly if it's about a controversial subject. However, Adedayo's
computer can become one of the participant's most reliable partners for learning, work and fun, if the participant just lets it.
Adedayo is a visionary who is also a logical, pragmatic thinker and planner. The participant always needs three questions
answered: "What's the objective or task?"; "Why is this happening?"; and "How does this work?" Whatever the participant is
thinking about has to meet the rational/idealistic criteria of analysis, precision and structure. And additionally, its future direction
has to have a factual and historical basis. If it does not pass those filters, Adedayo is skeptical and rigidly non-accepting if the
participant can't create a synthetic understanding of the conclusions. In fact, the participant can be the ultimate skeptic who
won't be moved to any action without "all of the participant's ducks in a row".
However, overall, the participant can be a pragmatic realist who can get people to do what the participant wants. It's during
these moments of verbal interaction that Adedayo can let associates know what needs to be accomplished, how to proceed
and why it is necessary to do it immediately. To make the participant's directives clear so that together everyone meets the goal
successfully, Adedayo will have a detailed plan with "out-of-the-box" alternatives set up for each person to accomplish every
necessary task.
Traditional learning (lectures and reading) comes easily to Adedayo, particularly if it uses a factual, logical, historical and
synthetic approach. However, if the participant's teacher's presentation wanders from the topic, incorporates too many personal
examples or grammatical mistakes, the participant's respect begins to dwindle. If these teaching errors continue, Adedayo may
become impatient and intellectually presumptuous.
Non-traditional projects can work well for Adedayo as well, provided the group is very serious, focused, and does not waste its
time on chitchat. Everyone should know their roles and do their jobs. In such a setting, Adedayo can see the big picture and the
details, while never losing sight of the finish line.
The participant is an excellent listener and reader who easily memorizes and logically categorizes everything. Adedayo zeroes
in on the details and builds the participant's own rational conclusions into very creative wholes. Then, the participant checks
them over and over in many different ways. It's not that the participant is distrusting (even of themself), it's that the participant is
a true, rational skeptic.
Having to generate genuine enthusiasm and excitement in order to connect and communicate with others may create stress for
the participant. Yes, for short periods the participant can combine parts and elements to form a whole as a learning or
production tool, but the longer the participant does it, the more stressed the participant becomes. Without awareness,
Adedayo's ability to access this particular learning process may occasionally be blocked. It's as if the participant has a blind
spot in this part of the participant's learning repertoire. The participant simply doesn't like to have to use it as a primary tool for
The following may create stress for the participant if used for more than short time periods:
Having to be charismatic and the center of attention while learning,
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Needing to always be creative, innovative and humorous with others for extended periods of time as the participant is
being taught,
Learning most effectively through "dynamic" and multi-sensory methods,
Having to participate in role plays or improvisational exercises,
Reinforcing memory by using personal, interactive dialogue as a primary tool,
Wanting teachers to always be expressive, personal and humorous in their delivery.
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Learning Tips
Adedayo Adekoga
In Almost Every Educational Setting, The participant is Lucky to Be
Traditional learning and teaching are tailored to the participant's style, enabling success in most learning environments. The
participant has little need to adapt to a teacher's style, as most organize their lectures or presentations in a way that is very
familiar to the participant. For the most part, learning and studying comes effortlessly for the participant.
Learning can become an effort when content or presentations are disorganized or too anecdotal. Then, the participant has to
fight being bored and analytical. Sometimes, it pays to be patient instead of intellectually superior towards certain types of
"creative" presentations that wander off topic or become too personal.
The participant's Middle Names Are "Logical" and "Factual"
The participant has a natural bent for being logical and factual. In fact, the participant really enjoys it! "B" follows "A" and then is
followed by "C." Everything has its place and its appropriate time. The more facts that the participant can add to the
participant's rationale, the better the participant feels. Fortunately for the participant, most curriculums are built upon a logical
and factual foundation. The participant should be sure to outline the participant's notes after every class and every chapter that
the participant reads.
Minding the Details and Putting Them in Their Right Places
Everything has its place until proven otherwise. The participant loves to categorize facts and organize them into rational
outlines. Once they're in this form, the participant can easily memorize them. The participant should use outlines from the
participant's books and class notes to review, categorize facts and study for tests. The participant may find it helpful to start
with a full outline, then create additional outlines with fewer and fewer levels of details, requiring the participant to fill in the
missing information as the participant studies. When the participant has teachers who demand more critical and creative
thinking on their tests or in the participant's papers, the participant needs to anticipate what type of questions those might be
and form some outline answers when studying.
The participant Should Know What The participant Wants Before Signing Up for a Class
Tips for Learning in Traditional Settings
In traditional classrooms, the best place for the participant to sit is off to the side and about one half-way back. From this
perspective the participant can easily observe the teacher, presentations, board and other students.
In classes where blackboard notes or presentations are mostly visually/graphically oriented, a recording device is very useful to
track the conversations while the participant is copying the presentations. Thus, when the participant reviews, the participant
can add the verbal parts of the class to the visuals in a more exacting outline. Remind the participant always to ask the
teacher's permission before recording lectures.
It is important for the participant to connect with other students who take learning as seriously as the participant does, in case
the participant is absent from class and needs notes or if the participant wants to join a study group.
Tips for Learning in Virtual Settings
Best practices for online learning fall into four general strategies for success. Each category listed below roughly corresponds
with an Energetic learning style. Whether these strategies just come naturally for a person or if that person has had to work at
it, all of them are good practices, no matter the Energy profile.
Understanding (Explore)
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The participant has a high level of this Energy; the participant likely adopts these strategies instinctively, without having to
consciously think about them. The participant may feel "energized" after engaging in this area, even for an extended time.
At the start of each course, the participant should take the time first to read carefully through the syllabus and other
relevant course documents to understand how the course will work (for example, "What resources will I need? When are
the major assignments due? How many tests will there be?")
Also, the participant shouldn't overlook the importance of maintaining an open rapport with the facilitator and should ask
questions whenever they arise.
The participant should consider keeping a notepad or device handy (not just during the participant's scheduled course
times) to capture questions, ideas, or thoughts as they come to mind. The participant should then check this list during
the participant's scheduled course times to ask questions, add to notes, review materials, etc.
Inspiration (Excite)
The participant has a lower level of this Energy; the participant can still use these strategies to the participant's full advantage,
but it may require more of a conscious effort and some planning ahead. The participant may need a little time to "recharge"
The participant should discover and use the established means of staying connected and interacting with the facilitator
and with the participant's peers for each course.
The participant should be aware that virtual learning might not provide the participant with the level of personal interaction
on which the participant normally relies; the participant may want to find other means or outlets for this need to interact.
The participant should consider posting a visual, personal record of the participant's progress near the participant's
learning space. For some people, this may take the form of an inspiration board; for others, it may simply be a list of
assignments and grades received.
Staying engaged with the participant's learning is especially important in a virtual environment. What inspires us is closely
tied to our Energy profile; therefore, if the participant ever needs to "reconnect" to the participant's learning or a specific
course, the participant should look first to the areas that correspond to the participant's naturally higher Energies.
Explore Energy is inspired by ideas, theories, patterns, and making connections between them.
Excite Energy is inspired by people, communication, and interacting with others.
Examine Energy is inspired by facts, logic, precision, and correcting mistakes.
Execute Energy is inspired by action, results, and influencing others.
Organization (Examine)
The participant has a high level of this Energy; the participant likely adopts these strategies instinctively, without having to
consciously think about them. The participant may feel "energized" after engaging in this area, even for an extended time.
The participant should use a calendar to schedule out the course ahead of time; the participant should map out due
dates, study times, and course check-ins on the participant's calendar and then check this schedule when creating daily
Depending on the participant's level of tech savvy, the participant may prefer traditional, pen-and-paper methods or seek
out virtual study tools to help in the participant's learning; regardless of the tools, the participant should use the methods
that best compliment the participant's unique Energy pattern for scheduling, note taking and review, paper writing, test
taking, etc. For example, people with higher Explore Energy may create a multi-colored mind map to organize their notes,
while people with higher Examine Energy may prefer to use an outline structure for the same purpose.
The participant should create a study space that fits the participant's style and learning preferences. The participant
should use this space consistently for course check-ins, to review notes, and to complete assignments. The participant
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should only use this space for studying to stay focused and cut down on potential distractions.
Time Management (Execute)
The participant has a high level of this Energy; the participant likely adopts these strategies instinctively, without having to
consciously think about them. The participant may feel "energized" after engaging in this area, even for an extended time.
The participant should set SMART goals and use daily checklists to help the participant stay on task.
The participant should consider scheduling small rewards to correspond with short-term goals; these rewards can help
the participant to stay motivated and moving forward.
The participant should use strategies to maintain focus and avoid distractions during scheduled study times. For example,
stay focused on the participant's current task for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break before coming back for another
25 minute session.
Adedayo's lowest level of Energy is in the Excite Dynamic and, without awareness, is where the participant most likely might
struggle. The participant is fully capable of leveraging the strategies in this area, especially in light of the participant's other
strengths, but it will require a longer, more sustained effort. The participant may need more time to "recharge" afterwards;
engaging in tasks that correspond with the participant's higher Energies may help to speed up this process.
Here are a few other tips that you may want to emphasize, regardless of if it's a traditional or a virtual learning environment:
Set a clear and attainable goal for mastering the material.
Review class notes often.
Listen to any recordings made of the class.
Read text more selectively and make handwritten notes next to the printed material.
Outline notes in a logical, sequential order.
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Working Style Graph
Adedayo Adekoga
How To Use Your Working Style Graph
A Recipe For Your Learning
The learning graph is your unique "Learning Recipe." It shows you the amount of ingredients and the type of ingredients you
need to learn most effectively. Look at your graph and notice where the largest areas are. These indicate the working styles
that you use often and find easy to digest. Smaller areas mean that you can learn in that style but it takes some effort. If your
graph has a stressed area it indicates a learning style that you might find difficult to use.
Find A Teacher Twin
Have you ever had a teacher that you really admired and respected? Did you find the learning experience exciting and the
lessons stuck with you well past the classroom period? Chances are this teacher had a learning graph very much like yours.
Why not find teachers, mentors and tutors that teach and communicate in a way similar to you so you can accelerate your
learning experience?
Create Dynamic Learning Teams
If you are working on a project with two or more people, you can make a successful team by choosing members who have
different learning styles than you have. Try to get each learning style represented on your team. With this recipe you can be
assured that this team will produce an excellent product on time with success and satisfaction.
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