business environment is continuously evolving with the integration of new management trends

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Business Finance

managing changes in the workplace


The business environment is continuously evolving with the integration of new management trends developed to create opportunity and respond to challenges. Innovation often challenges the status quo of organizations and change agents in an organization must become intrapreneurs to meet those challenges.

You have been tasked to communicate to the VP of Human Resources about the need to prepare current staff for a more diverse workforce as a result of opening a new office in Miami, FL. This geographical area is known for its cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity in comparison to the company's office in Topeka, KS.

Assignment Steps

Create a 1500 -word report analyzing the relationship between these concepts or topics:

  • Analyze the role of innovation in executing change strategies.
  • Assess managing diversity in the workplace.
  • Examine how technology facilitates the implementation of change in today's workforce.
  • Explain how the workforce in the company will benefit from welcoming an inclusive and more diverse group of coworkers.
  • Explain the benefits and the opportunity that a more diverse workforce will create.
  • Include at least five peer-reviewed references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. References from UOPX Online Library required

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Explanation & Answer



Business Environment Concepts
Institutional Affiliation




Role of innovation
In executing change strategies at Amazon Inc. when opening a new office in Miami, FL,
the role of innovation definitely cannot be ignored. The innovation helps staff to come up with
new innovative ideas to serve the new market segments. Since different regions have their own
unique cultural diversity, innovation is used to challenge the existing status quo and design new
ideas and measures for satisfying the needs and wants of the new market (Serrat, 2017). In an
ever-changing technology world, innovation helps the company to remain competitive in the
market through execution of change strategies effectively and efficiently. In a broader
perspective, innovation allows the company to easily identify the needs of the market niche and
look for a mechanism to satisfy the market.
Innovation is the main pillar for a successful change execution. The innovation enables
the company to come up with an easier mechanism for execution of change. Innovation
stimulates employees to open new horizons so as to designs new innovative avenues for
implementing the new change strategies. It gives an opportunity for employees in the new
marketplace to properly understand the needs and desires of the new market and design proper
mechanisms for achieving the new change (Serrat, 2017). Rather than operating with the existing
status quo, the innovation plays a role in improving communication during the implementation of
change strategies. Therefore, innovation fosters proper communications in the execution of a
change strategy.
Since implementation of the new change strategies might be costly, the innovation helps
to technically implement the new changes in a cost-effective and efficient way. In essence,
innovation manages all the aspects of the implementation include cultural elements and human



resource management. In addition, it eliminates the ‘‘silo mentality'' where departments might
not be willing to share information (Serrat, 2017). In a broader perspective, the innovation
improves the process of sharing information or knowledge during the implem...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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