Management Question

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Business Finance

Wake Technical Community College


Social Media in the Workplace

Overview: There are times when HR professionals are faced with workplace situations where the laws and policies are evolving and yet ethical considerations need to be addressed. Below is an emerging workplace situation where there is no absolute right or wrong answer, but the situation needs to be analyzed from various points of view. 

Description of the situation: An employee posted derogatory remarks about the organization and about another worker on Facebook. The organization’s policies does not address free expression just “offensive” and “harmful” speech. The supervisor is concerned that the posting was dehumanizing, humiliating and could incite hatred again persons or groups because of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. The supervisor comes to the HR manager to ask for guidance on how to address the employee.  

Action: Respond to all questions below. Utilize resources from the class, do outside research and make sure to have at least three sources as part of your final paper. This paper will also require independent research outside of class resources.

Answer each of the questions in narrative form (not bullet points). Use the outline below as a way to organize your response and comments.  NOTE: You must use all the underlined headings below in your paper in same order as below.  Failure to do so will result in -1.5pt deduction. 

1.  Applying the SHRM Code of Ethics: Describe at least three ethical considerations from the SHRM Code of Ethics that would apply and why? You must apply the specific facts to  each of the three ethical considerations and what that means from the perspective of HR professional on handling the employee who posted the information.
2. Legal and Ethical Considerations: What are the various considerations that need to be discussed regarding facts, affected parties, and who should be involved? Discuss each subpara a. b. and c. below in separate paragraphs using the specific headings below.   
      a. Identify applicable laws and explain how each relates to the facts in our scenario. Be specific. Describe key facts along with the applicable laws. Be specific.
      b. Identify affected parties. Describe who is likely to be impacted and why?
      c. Identify who should be involved in any resolution. Identify who, as well as when and why they should be involved. Be specific.

3.  Possible Courses of Action: Discuss each subpara a. b. and c. below in separate paragraphs using the specific headings below.  -.5pt if you do not.
     a. What are potential legal remedies that can be taken? Be specific.
     b. What policies or procedures need to be reviewed, revised, or created? Be specific.
    c. What role should the HR professional play in this situation? Be specific.
4.  HR actions: Discuss each subpara a. and b. below in separate paragraphs using the specific headings below.  -.5pt if you do not.
     a. What kind of employee training might be needed in the future to address this concern? Be specific.
     b. What advice would you as the HR professional provide to the supervisor? Be specific.

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer



Assignment 3: The Law and Ethical Considerations
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Social media has become an essential communication tool in this era. But, it can have
significant ethical and legal repercussions when employees post private information about their
employers on social media. In reaction to such a circumstance, HR professionals should consider
several factors and take some steps, including reviewing their policies, evaluating legal options,
and managing the fallout.
Applying the SHRM Code of Ethics
A framework for ethical conduct The Society provides a framework for moral conduct in
the human resource profession for Human Resource Management's (SHRM) Code of Ethics
(HR). HR professionals face a dilemma when employees disclose sensitive information about
their firm on social media. These are three SHRM Code of Ethics ethical issues that apply in this
circumstance and why:
The initial ethical consideration is confidentiality. HR professionals are responsible for
safeguarding the privacy of any sensitive information they come into contact with during their
tenure. HR professionals must respond appropriately to protect the organization's personal
information when employees post private information about their employer on social media
(SHRM., 2014). This can entail looking into where the information came from and disciplining
the offending employee.
Accountability in the Workplace

In this instance, the second ethical consideration is professional accountability. HR
specialists must represent the organization's interests and uphold the highest professional
standards. According to SHRM, to safeguard the organization's reputation and the privacy of its

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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