2 questions Business Class

User Generated


Business Finance


1). Please provide the following data for Zynga Inc from herehttp://finance.yahoo.com/q/cf?s=ZNGA+Cash+Flow&annualShow numerators and denominators for all ratios andthen discuss their economic meaning in 50 plus words.  For 2012 show also the cash flow per share from herehttp://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=ZNGA+Key+Statistics


OCF/Current Liabilities:

OCF/Total Debt:

OCF/Cash Dividends:

OCF/#outstanding common stock:


OCF/Current Liabilities:

OCF/Total Debt:

OCF/Cash Dividends:


OCF/Current Liabilities:

OCF/Total Debt:

OCF/Cash Dividends:

2). Go tohttp://www.pollingreport.com/budget.htmand find the poll titled "Automatic across-the-board cuts in federal spending have begun to take effect because Obama and the Republicans in Congress were unable to reach a budget agreement earlier this year. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of these budget cuts taking place?" In approximately 100 words give the topic of the poll, the sample size, and margin of error. Do you think the result of the pool from the sample reflects the public opinion?

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